[Abstract]:For the engineering piles under the bottom of deep foundation pit, the distribution of frictional resistance on the side of the pile is different from that under the conventional conditions, which is affected by the excavation effect. Based on the results of full-scale test and numerical analysis of super-long bored cast-in-place piles, the differences of settlement characteristics caused by the distribution of frictional resistance on different sides of test piles under conventional and excavation conditions are studied. The results show that the end resistance of super-long bored cast-in-place pile is relatively small under the working load, and the distribution form of friction on the side of the pile directly determines the comprehensive coefficient of pile body compression. Without the influence of deep foundation pit excavation, it is feasible to calculate the compressibility of super-long pile body by the comprehensive coefficient of pile body compression recommended by the code. However, under the condition of deep foundation pit excavation, the value of the comprehensive coefficient of compression of bored cast-in-place pile is larger than that of the current code based on the recommended value of 20, which does not take into account the excavation effect of deep foundation pit, and the settlement of pile top may be underestimated if the influence of deep excavation is not taken into account. In addition, under the condition of deep excavation, the comprehensive coefficient of pile body compression decreases with the increase of the ratio of length to diameter of pile, but the rule of change of compression coefficient of pile body with the ratio of length to diameter of pile is not obvious under conventional conditions.
【作者单位】: 天津大学土木工程系;天津大学滨海土木工程结构与安全教育部重点实验室;天津市地下铁道集团有限公司;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(No.51108312) 天津市科技计划资助项目(No.11ZCGYSF00800)
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