[Abstract]:In recent years, the economy of Qingdao has developed rapidly, the social productivity has been improved, and the demand for urban development has been increasing. At this time, the underground space resources have emerged as the times require, and become a solution to the problems of modern cities. The important means to promote the sustainable development of the city. In the Development and Utilization Plan of Urban Underground Space in Qingdao, the key areas for the development of underground space are subway lines and stations, urban main roads and intersections, central square (green space), Commercial centers, urban mountains, large residential areas and large public facilities. The development of underground space by taking subway lines as coordinate axes can promote the development of the surrounding areas of the subway attract more investment and construction through the huge human flow gathered by the subway and help to adjust the overall structure of the city. At present, the Qingdao municipal government has planned to build eight subway lines with a length of 231.5 kilometers, all of which are expected to be completed by 2050. The first phase will be completed in 13 billion and completed in 2014. The existing Qingdao commercial district on the ground has complete functions and supporting facilities, but the development and utilization of underground space is seriously inadequate. Only a few commercial buildings in the existing commercial area have developed underground space as supermarkets and underground parking lots. However, there is a lack of large-scale, separately built underground projects, and the flow of people in many commercial areas has reached a degree of saturation. Commercial space capacity needs to be expanded, underground space such as parking, commercial, cultural, catering, entertainment and other functional space construction is very necessary. First of all, summarize the construction course of urban underground space, through induction and reference, find a suitable method system for the development and utilization of urban underground space in our country, and provide important reference and guidance. By drawing on the experience of the successful development of underground space in Beijing and Shanghai, and combining the specific natural, geographical, economic and demographic conditions of Qingdao, this paper studies the development and utilization of underground space. Based on the analysis of the mode of development and utilization of underground space suitable for the development of Qingdao, and the function selection of AHP, this paper discusses the demand for comprehensive underground traffic, underground commercial facilities, municipal public construction facilities and civil air defense projects in Qingdao. This paper evaluates the construction type of underground space in Qingdao based on the analytic hierarchy process of MATLAB, and according to the magnitude of influence degree according to the obtained value, makes decision based on the result can increase the use efficiency of underground space. Finally, this paper will point out the risks in the process of development and utilization of urban underground space, and explore the impact of disasters on the sustainable development of the city, so as to better avoid disasters in the process of development and utilization. To ensure the smooth development and utilization of urban underground space. According to the train of thought of system engineering research, this paper makes a comprehensive and detailed analysis of Qingdao from various aspects and angles, and studies the development and utilization of underground space by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The research methods and techniques can be applied to underground engineering in other places, as a guide and reference to save time and energy, reduce unreasonable research, through a large number of applications and practices, underground engineering research system will be more in-depth, Perfect. Thus, the construction of underground space can be carried out in order, high efficiency and rationalization, and ensure the green and sustainable development of the city.
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