[Abstract]:Inoculating manganese oxidizing bacteria during the start-up of biological manganese removal filter can shorten the mature period of manganese removal filter layer, so the efficient and easy to obtain bacteria has practical value for the application of biological manganese removal technology. Activated sludge, well wall mud and shallow soil containing manganese wells were selected to culture manganese removal bacteria in JFM and PYCM media. The results of small scale test show that activated sludge and shaft wall mud are feasible to start mn removal filter. Two kinds of manganese removal bacteria were used to start the simulated filter column. under the condition of inoculating, the mature period of the filter layer could be shortened by adding and removing manganese bacteria suitable nutrition. When activated sludge was used as the source of inoculating bacteria, the filter layer with nutrition could mature for 80 days, and the filter layer without nutrition could be extended to more than 100 days, while the uninoculated filter layer could not realize the maturity of filter media under the same operating conditions.
【作者单位】: 青岛理工大学环境与市政工程学院;山东耐材集团中齐耐火有限公司;
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