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发布时间:2019-06-17 14:19
【摘要】:纪念性空间从古至今贯穿于整个人类文明发展史。是人类原始纪念欲望的空间物化,是人类群体或者个体记忆的情感空间。具有记载史实、传承文明、宣传教化等社会功能,因此也是社会文化的一种具体展现形式。纪念性空间是对话历史的物质媒介,是积蓄力量的精神空间。作为一种特殊的建筑类型,纪念性空间以特有的功能与艺术内涵成为历史留给人类的珍贵文化遗产。 场所精神与纪念空间的纪念意义或是纪念价值的表现程度有着紧密的联系。场所精神是纪念性空间设计的基础与目标,场所的塑造与场所精神的表达直接影响到纪念性空间达到应有的纪念意义与纪念价值的体现。场所精神的形成因素包括认同性、定位性。其特征表现为主体对场所产生的方向感、认同感、归属感,是在人与空间的互动中生成的。纪念的产生是基于纪念主体的心理需求,是一个基于记忆的生物本能,经过主动回忆的心理活动最后到具有社会化印记的纪念现象。并以此为动因,主动营建经营方便纪念主体举行纪念活动的场所。在纪念的活动中主体与场所环境产生对话交流,当纪念主体的心理情感需求在此得到满足时,便产生认同感,场所精神也随之产生。 文章从主客二元的角度追溯纪念产生的本源,并详细解析纪念主体的纪念心理与纪念场所这一客体的生成机制。从纪念主体的体验与纪念的场所营建两个大的方面分析影响纪念性空间场所精神表达的因素,,从而发现问题的根本所在,并提出相应的解决策略。整个文章深入研究纪念性空间场所精神的表达,有助于我们的更清楚的了解纪念性空间生成的来龙去脉,清楚的了解纪念主体的心理需求,对纪念性空间的设计,纪念对象的深层涵义表达,纪念性空间的纪念氛围营造都有极大的指导意义。
[Abstract]:Commemorative space runs through the whole history of human civilization from ancient times to the present. It is the spatial materialization of human primitive memorial desire and the emotional space of human group or individual memory. It has the social functions of recording historical facts, inheriting civilization, propagandizing and educating, so it is also a concrete manifestation of social culture. Commemorative space is the material medium of dialogue history and the spiritual space of accumulating strength. As a special type of architecture, commemorative space has become a precious cultural heritage left by history with its unique function and artistic connotation. The spirit of the place is closely related to the commemorative significance or the performance of the commemorative value of the commemorative space. Place spirit is the foundation and goal of commemorative space design. The shaping of place and the expression of place spirit directly affect the embodiment of commemorative significance and commemorative value of commemorative space. The formation factors of place spirit include identity and localization. Its characteristics are the sense of direction, identity and belonging produced by the subject to the place, which is generated in the interaction between man and space. The emergence of memorial is based on the psychological needs of the commemorative subject, is a memory-based biological instinct, through active recall of psychological activities to have the social imprint of the commemorative phenomenon. And with this as the motivation, take the initiative to build and operate to facilitate the memorial main body to hold commemorative activities. In the commemorative activities, the subject and the place environment have dialogue and communication, when the psychological and emotional needs of the commemorative subject are met here, there will be a sense of identity, and the spirit of the place will also be produced. This paper traces back to the origin of the memorial from the perspective of subject-object duality, and analyzes in detail the memorial psychology of the memorial subject and the formation mechanism of the object of the commemorative place. This paper analyzes the factors that affect the spiritual expression of the commemorative space place from two aspects: the experience of the commemorative subject and the construction of the commemorative place, so as to find out the root of the problem and put forward the corresponding solving strategies. The whole article deeply studies the expression of the spirit of the commemorative space place, which is helpful for us to understand the origin of the commemorative space generation, to clearly understand the psychological needs of the commemorative subject, to the design of the commemorative space, to the expression of the deep meaning of the commemorative object, and to the construction of the commemorative atmosphere of the commemorative space.


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