[Abstract]:Chinese classical garden is one of the three systems of the world garden that pursues the feeling of artistic conception, which is famous for imitating the special style of nature. Compared with western gardens, they pay more attention to the embodiment of artistic conception and the feeling of landscape. With its special position, deeper historical connotation and rich garden techniques, the classical royal garden makes the construction of artistic conception more profound. Chengde Summer Resort, built in 42 years of Qing Kangxi (1703), lasted 89 years to complete the construction. Chengde Summer Resort is the largest existing and most complete royal garden in our country, and was listed in the World Cultural Heritage list in 1994. The summer resort takes landscape as the garden skeleton, which combines the different landscapes between the north and the south, as well as the historical and cultural organizations of all ethnic groups. The study of Qing history, classical landscape art and national culture is a very rich textbook. This article jumps out of the traditional research scope, mainly carries on the research exploration to the summer resort classical royal garden landscape construction, takes Chengde city as the representative case, investigates and studies the summer resort landscape construction method, the artistic conception characteristic, the landscape present situation and the landscape existence value, and carries on the expansion conception, in view of the summer resort inside and outside the landscape existence advantage and the defect, carries on the discussion. Literature review, data analysis, field investigation are the main research methods, and comprehensive comparative analysis. Finally, it is concluded that the landscape development mode of Chengde Summer Resort is as follows: (1) using modern technology to repair the existing landscape artistic conception; (2) ensuring the stable development of landscape through reasonable regional planning; (3) formulating relevant measures to enhance landscape protection. At the same time, this paper analyzes the integration of classical garden artistic conception and modern society, and the sustainable development and utilization on the basis of protection. The attitude and means we should adopt are as follows: (1) to protect and inherit the original classical garden artistic conception; (2) to carry out reasonable innovation on the basis of the original landscape artistic conception. This summary summarizes, in order to better understand the application of Chinese traditional garden concept, as well as artistic conception. This paper thinks about the influence significance of classical royal garden on modern society, hoping to enlighten the relationship between modern urban construction and landscape construction and classical royal garden.
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