本文选题:多轮次 + 调剖技术 ; 参考:《东北石油大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In most domestic oil fields, the reservoir is continental sedimentary reservoir, interlayer contradiction, intra-layer contradiction and plane contradiction are relatively large. When the oil field enters the stage of water injection development, the injection water enters into the high permeability large pore channel first, which leads to the uneven propulsion of the injection water in the longitudinal and the plane, which makes the injection water burst into the oil well ahead of time, leading to the oil field entering the water flooded state ahead of schedule. As a kind of profile control in water injection wells, multi-turn profile control is used to improve reservoir heterogeneity. Through multiple rounds profile control, the difference of permeability between layers is improved, which can effectively regulate the water injection channeling, improve the sweep coefficient of water drive, and adjust the water absorption between layers. Based on the industry standard of petroleum industry, this paper evaluates the performance of profile control agent, and according to the factors such as salinity, temperature and pH value, when selecting profile control agent, according to the factors that influence profile control agent performance, such as salinity, temperature and pH value, etc. The formula of profile control agent, which is most suitable for the actual field situation in Nanyi block of Yu Daqing oilfield, is selected, and the core experiment is used to explore the difference of profile control condition according to the different permeability of core, and the emphasis is to evaluate the stability and temperature resistance of the core as a whole. Then the profile control cycle is improved and optimized. The final results show that the desired goal of improving oil production rate and stabilizing oil and water control can be achieved by adopting multiple rounds profile control at the right time and connecting each round profile control timely.
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