[Abstract]:At present, most oil fields in China have entered the middle and late stage of development. In this period, the remaining recoverable reserves are reduced, and the difficulty of exploitation is increased. In order to achieve the purpose of increasing production and stabilizing production, the oilfield will carry out measures to implement some wells. With the increase of production difficulty, how to optimize the workload of oil field measures, to obtain better economic benefits and to complete production has become an important issue. In recent years, the oil field of Gui W has entered the stage of high water cut and high recovery from part of high water cut to high water cut, and is faced with the severe situation of the transition from the basic balance of storage and production to the serious imbalance. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to strengthen the study of the decline law of each well pattern, to predict the remaining oil and to improve the oil recovery. In this paper, graphical method, trial difference method, curve displacement method, typical curve fitting method and binary regression method are used to comprehensively determine the production decline types of different well patterns, and to calculate the production decline rate of each well pattern. Water cut in water drive oilfield is a comprehensive index affected by many factors in oilfield development. It not only reflects the restriction of reservoir and crude oil physical properties on oil and water movement in reservoir, but also reflects the effect of various technical measures in the process of production. There is a close relationship between the law of water cut rise and water content. By evaluating the level of water cut rise rate of each well pattern in the very high water cut stage of W Oilfield and comparing the differences among the sets well patterns, the geological and development factors that cause the difference are analyzed. Finally, the combined solution method, production composition analysis method and multivariate regression method are used to predict the development indexes of each set of water drive pattern in the very high water cut stage of W Oilfield.
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