发布时间:2018-01-25 12:53
本文关键词: 海河流域 降水 同位素 出处:《天津师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:海河流域是我国东部地区水资源问题最严重的流域之一。近些年来,受全球变暖和人类活动的影响,流域内水资源与环境问题日趋严峻,一方面流域内天然来水减少,流域产流汇流能力明显下降,另一方面流域下垫面发生剧烈变化,极大地改变了流域内的水文循环路径。认识环境变化下的流域水文循环特性,揭示其水文循环过程,可为流域水资源管理提供水文学基础支撑。本研究利用稳定同位素方法对流域内降水稳定同位素(δD和δ180)进行了调查,旨在揭示流域内降水同位素的时空变化规律及其与地理、气象要素和ESNO事件的关系。 本文在研究海河流域内降水同位素时间变化特点时,发现具有显著的季节效应。利用2012年6月25日至2012年12月31日获得的连续时间下收集的六个取样站点的降水样品及分析获得的数据,得出海河流域大气降水线为:δD=7.839δ180+5.110,这与全球大气降水线的斜率相近,还发现了本文研究站点的氘盈余变化特征是夏季小于10‰,冬季大于10‰,这些都与海河流域距离海洋较近的事实相符。利用HYSPLIT模型显,追踪了降水时刻前48个小时内降水气团后向轨迹,模拟的轨迹包括气团水平和垂直方向的运移路径,发现季风期δ180出现低值时,水汽来源于南来季风,这与海河流域大气环流背景相符。还发现海河流域在夏季季风期间降水中稳定同位素有降水量效应无温度效应,其余月份表现为有温度效应无降水量效应。利用本文的9个研究站海拔和纬度数据,分析出海河流域降水中δ180体现了海拔效应,但纬度效应没有很好的体现。本文对我国东部季风区进行更细的区分,发现在相同季风区中各站的降水中稳定同位素518O在暖半年与对应SOI关系一致;利用本文整理的数据,还发现在在ElNino年我国东部季风区多个研究站点稳定同位素δ180与对应SOI有负相关关系,证实了降水中稳定同位素与大尺度的环流具有一定的关系。
[Abstract]:Haihe River Basin is one of the most serious water resources problems in eastern China. In recent years, due to global warming and human activities, water resources and environmental problems in the basin are becoming increasingly serious. On the one hand, the amount of natural water in the basin decreases, the capacity of runoff and confluence decreases obviously, on the other hand, the underlying surface of the basin changes dramatically. The hydrological cycle path in the basin has been greatly changed, and the hydrological cycle characteristics of the basin under the changing environment have been recognized, and the hydrological cycle process has been revealed. In this study, the stable isotopes (未 D and 未 180) of precipitation in the basin were investigated by using the stable isotope method. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the temporal and spatial variations of precipitation isotopes and their relationships with geography, meteorological elements and ESNO events. In this paper, the characteristics of isotopic time variation of precipitation in the Haihe River basin are studied. A significant seasonal effect was found. Precipitation samples from six sampling stations collected from June 25th 2012 to December 31st 2012 and data from analysis were used. It is concluded that the precipitation line of Haihe River Basin is 未 D ~ (7.839) 未 ~ (180) 5.110, which is close to the slope of global atmospheric precipitation line. It is also found that the variation characteristics of deuterium surplus are less than 10 鈥,