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发布时间:2018-02-02 14:11

  本文关键词: 分布式水文模型 SRM冰雪融水径流模型 TOPMODEL模型 水量平衡 人工侧支水循环 出处:《西安理工大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The study of watershed hydrological process simulation is helpful for people to understand and understand the hydrological cycle process more clearly. In order to more effectively and reasonably planning and utilization of water resources. This paper respectively aimed at the natural river basin water cycle process and the "natural and artificial" dual characteristics of the basin water cycle process. The distributed hydrological model and the distributed coupling model are used to simulate the process of water cycle in the study area. The following results are obtained: 1) the simulation of the process of ice and snow meltwater runoff is carried out by using the distributed hydrological model and the distributed coupling model. Based on the data of hydrology, meteorology and snow and ice cover in the basin controlled by Xinjiang Tashkurgan River Irrik Hydrologic Station, this paper chooses SRM model to simulate the hydrological process of the basin. Aiming at the structural defects of SRM model, according to the relationship between water vapor pressure and evaporation, the evaporation loss is added to the SRM model, and the improved SRM model is adopted to construct the watershed distributed ice and snow melt runoff model. The simulation results show that the improved distributed SRM model can simulate and forecast the runoff process of watershed which is lack of runoff data and is dominated by ice and snow meltwater runoff. At the same time, it can be used to analyze the response of snow and ice melt runoff to climate change. 2) for the simulation of rainfall runoff process, this paper takes the Heihe Jinpan reservoir control basin in the northern foot of Qinling Mountains as the research object, according to the characteristics of rainfall runoff and the present situation of hydrological simulation of the basin. According to the structural characteristics of the TOPMODEL model, the evaporation module, the runoff generation module and the confluence module of the model are improved. It has the characteristics of distributed hydrological model. At the same time, the land cover can be taken into account. The simulation results show that the improved TOPMODEL model can better simulate the rainfall runoff process of the watershed, and it is humid. The simulation analysis of rainfall runoff process in semi-humid and semi-arid areas provides a feasible simulation method. (3) the basin or region with a "natural and artificial" dual model for water cycle is studied by remote sensing based on the control basin of Shunhe Reservoir and the irrigation area of the lower reaches of Shaanxi Province. The hydrometeorological data and the engineering data of water conveyance channel in irrigation area are coupled with distributed TOPMODEL model, water balance model and channel unsteady flow simulation model. A distributed hydrological model considering artificial collateral water delivery process was constructed. The hydrological cycle process of the studied area was simulated. The results show that the coupled distributed model can well simulate the water circulation process of the watershed, and has certain guiding significance for the allocation of water resources and the safe operation of the project.


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