本文关键词: 渠堤填筑材料 风积砂 改性剂 保水性能 力学性能 机理分析 出处:《南京理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The construction of canal dike in desert area requires a large amount of wind sand filling materials, but the engineering properties of aeolian sand are poor. In order to solve this problem, the research and development of wind sand modifier are carried out in this paper. In order to improve the water retention and mechanical properties of eolian sand, a modified agent for aeolian sand was developed on the basis of systematically analyzing the engineering properties of eolian sand. By comparing and analyzing the direct shear test, a group of optimum formula was selected, and the improved mechanism was analyzed. The results showed that sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and polyacrylamide had little effect on the retarded infiltration. Sodium lignosulfonate alone can effectively slow down the water migration, and the effect of water retention increases with the increase of water glass concentration, but sodium lignosulfonate alone can not effectively play the role of water retention. However, water glass and sodium lignosulfonate can improve the maximum dry density of fine sand by adding water glass and sodium lignosulfonate, and the optimum ratio of water glass and sodium lignosulfonate is 10: 1.2). When the water glass and sodium lignosulfonate were applied together, the maximum dry density of sand was improved to a certain extent, and the cohesion of fine sand and the angle of internal friction increased first and then decreased with the increase of water glass concentration. When the ratio of water glass to sodium lignosulfonate is 10: 1, the cohesion of fine sand increases first and then decreases with the increase of sodium lignosulfonate ratio. The internal friction angle decreases first and then increases, and the cohesion increases with the increase of curing age. 5) the maximum dry density of the modified aeolian sand with the best formula does not change, but the range of the optimum moisture content increases with the increase of age. The cohesion of improved aeolian sand decreases first and then increases, and the change of internal friction angle is small. In the long run, the shear strength of improved aeolian sand is better.
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