本文关键词: 三维土工网垫 坡面薄层水流 水动力学特性 防护机理 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, the main design indexes of 3D geotextile cushion are introduced systematically, and the mechanism of slope protection is analyzed. In order to eliminate the uncertainty caused by the dynamic change of the underlying surface, this paper simplifies the underlying surface. The slope surface is changed from moving bed slope protection to fixed bed slope protection. In this paper, an indoor model test was designed to study the dynamic characteristics of income on the slope of 3D geotechnical network protection under the condition of fixed bed underlying surface. The dynamic characteristics of income were studied under the condition of different flow rate of 0.66 ~ 0.9 ~ 1.2 脳 1.5 m ~ (3 / h), different gradient of 8 掳~ 14 掳~ 20 掳~ 20 掳~ 20 掳~ 26 掳~ (32 掳), different vegetation coverage of 25 plants / / m ~ (2) / m ~ (2), different flow rate of 0. 6% / m ~ (2) / L ~ (-1) / m ~ (2) / m ~ (2). Including flow velocity, water depth, Froude number, Reynolds number, drag coefficient and flow power. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The flow velocity on the slope increases with the increase of flow rate and gradient, and increases greatly when the flow rate is small. When the flow rate is larger, the increase of water depth increases with the increase of flow rate, and decreases with the increase of gradient, and the relationship between flow velocity and flow rate, the relationship between water depth and flow rate, and the relationship between water depth and flow rate, The relationship of slope can be expressed by power function. 2. With the increase of slope, Froude number increases continuously and is less affected by single wide flow, Reynolds number has a linear relationship with single wide flow, and the correlation is very high, but it has little correlation with slope. The resistance coefficient decreases with the increase of discharge flow, and the effect of flow on drag coefficient is more obvious than that of slope. 3. Under different flow and different slope, there is a positive correlation between flow power and gradient and flow rate. The effect of flow rate on slope flow power is slightly greater than that of slope gradient on slope flow power. Vegetation cover can effectively reduce the flow velocity of slope flow. Compared with bare slope without vegetation, the average flow velocity of 25 plants / m ~ 2 / m ~ 2 / m ~ 2 decreased by 14.3% and 26.3 / m ~ 2, respectively. Vegetation cover has a certain effect on decreasing Reynolds number and increasing drag coefficient, and the higher the coverage is, the more prominent the effect is, but the effect tends to be less obvious with the increase of flow rate.
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