发布时间:2018-02-25 16:38
本文关键词: 雨水控制与利用系统 径流系数 设计重现期 蓄水池容积 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着我国城市化进程的推进,雨水控制利用系统有效的改善了城市发展过程中的排水负荷过大、水浸等现象,在特定情况下更可以将雨水充分资源化,,缓解用水压力。因此,雨水控制利用系统在我国发展迅速。但由于现行规范的针对性较弱,使得雨水控制利用系统的设计存在一些问题。 本文针对在雨水控制利用系统设计过程中的设计参数展开了以下研究: 由雨水设计流量计算公式,提出雨水控制利用系统的设计参数,包括雨水控制利用系统的设计径流系数、设计重现期以及蓄水池的容积三部分。 通过分析径流系数的影响因素,提出开发建设前、后红线内(包括红线外可能的)场地下垫面的径流系数确定方法,提出适用于广州市建设工程雨水控制利用系统设计的径流系数计算方法。 通过对屋面雨水斗排水能力的计算,推导出广州市屋面排水系统一定设计重现期下雨水斗可负荷的最大重现期。介绍了采用拟合法对广州市降水频数曲线进行拟合,以推算广州市年最大日降水量的重现期的方法。采用查表法推算出广州市年最大日降水量值,为选择雨水控制利用系统的设计重现期提供参考。 根据广州市相关要求,参考北京市相关规定,提出广州市不同情况下的建设工程中雨水控制利用系统蓄水池容积的确定方法及实施建议。通过计算不同重现期下蓄水池的容积及不同材料蓄水池的成本,为雨水控制利用系统设计参数的选用提供参考。
[Abstract]:With the development of urbanization in our country, Rain Water has effectively improved the phenomenon of excessive drainage load and flooding in the process of urban development by controlling and utilizing the system. Therefore, under certain circumstances, Rain Water can be fully used as a resource to relieve the pressure of water use. Rain Water's control and utilization system is developing rapidly in our country, but due to the weak pertinence of the current standard, there are some problems in the design of the system. In this paper, the design parameters in the design process of Rain Water control and utilization system are studied as follows:. Based on Rain Water's design of flow calculation formula, the design parameters of Rain Water control and utilization system are put forward, which include three parts: the design runoff coefficient, the design recurrence period and the volume of the reservoir. Based on the analysis of the influencing factors of runoff coefficient, the method of determining the runoff coefficient of underground cushion surface in the red line (including possibly outside the red line) before the development and construction is put forward. The calculation method of runoff coefficient suitable for Rain Water control and utilization system design of Guangzhou construction project is put forward. Based on the calculation of drainage capacity of roof Rain Water bucket, the maximum recurrence period of rain bucket load in Guangzhou roof drainage system is deduced. The fitting method is used to fit the frequency curve of precipitation in Guangzhou. By using the method of calculating the recurrence period of the maximum annual precipitation in Guangzhou, the maximum daily precipitation value of Guangzhou city is calculated by using the method of look-up table, which provides a reference for selecting the design recurrence period of Rain Water control and utilization system. According to the relevant requirements of Guangzhou, referring to the relevant provisions of Beijing, This paper puts forward the method of determining the volume of the reservoir of Rain Water control and utilization system in different construction projects in Guangzhou, and puts forward some suggestions for its implementation. By calculating the volume of the reservoir and the cost of the reservoir with different materials, the volume of the reservoir under different recurrence periods and the cost of different materials are calculated. It provides a reference for the selection of design parameters of Rain Water control and utilization system.
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