本文关键词: 高地应力区 隧洞 围岩质量评价 陡倾层状岩体 块体理论 岩爆预测 出处:《新疆农业大学》2015年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's infrastructure construction, tunnel construction ceaselessly ", long, large, deep into the" direction, stress gradually increases at the same time, the geological conditions of the tunnel site area difference becomes larger, the instability of the surrounding rock damage increases, failure forms are diversified, greatly improve the surrounding rock the deformation failure mechanism of the complexity and unpredictability. Therefore, high research on issues related to the stability of surrounding rock of tunnel stress condition has become a urgent problem. The key problems of high geostress tunnel surrounding rock stress, such as rock quality evaluation, the stability analysis of rock bedded slope is steep, the stability analysis of rock mass. System analysis of surrounding rock displacement and sensitivity analysis of mechanical parameters of rock burst prediction is not mature. It is based on the above problems, this paper takes Xinjiang Kezhou Bulunkou - male Koal Hydropower Station underground tunnel as the engineering background, using the new method and the comprehensive application of engineering geology, solid mechanics, nonlinear science theory and numerical calculation method, the stress condition of surrounding rock quality evaluation and stability study of the Highlands, the main research contents and results are as follows: (1) put forward the improvement non symmetric Closeness criterion instead of the maximum membership criterion and the minimum information discrimination principle combined weights instead of single weight extension theory based on rock quality evaluation, and the rock quality evaluation of its application in Bulunkou GongGeEr - underground hydropower stations of 4 typical sections, the results show that this method has better reliability (2). The establishment of steep layered rock bending - slip instability mechanics model based on elastic plate energy derived from the principle of layered rock critical bending length and safety coefficient formula, combined with To study the influencing factors on the critical bending length of actual engineering. Considering the rock parameter uncertainty, the fuzzy random reliability theory is applied to safety coefficient formula, the calculation results show that considering the parameters of the fuzzy randomness has good applicability. (3) the establishment of the thickness of layered rock mass mechanics model of rectangular plate, the critical load formula the calculation of rock plate under static load and in longitudinal cyclic loading under the first, second dynamic instability regions, analysis of rock mass of rectangular plate is static and dynamic instability. (4) the finite length trace block application theory to key block sliding probability analysis, with three as the pyramid cases, according to the theory of structural plane trace length probability distribution of key block probability is redefined as the absolute key block probability, relative key block probability and non key block probability, and use the absolute key block probability of The conventional key block sliding safety factor is corrected, in ensuring the safe condition of surrounding rock is reasonable to reduce the cost of support surrounding rock provides theoretical basis. (5) the uncertainty and spatial variability of the mechanical parameters of surrounding rock, combining with laboratory test and engineering experience, fitting a probability distribution model of 6 typical parameters including density, the based on 3DEC simulation, discrete element numerical gray correlation analysis method is put forward on the displacement sensitivity probability distribution model based on rock mechanics parameters, and its application in practical engineering, the selection of parameters for the surrounding rock and provide theoretical guidance. (6) the rough set theory and cloud model are combined to establish FCM rough set theory calculation the weights and the cloud model calculating the comprehensive nonlinear science degree based on rock burst prediction model, and we verify the theoretical results and extension and the prediction model of Russense discriminant The results are consistent. Finally, the prediction model is successfully applied to the rock burst evaluation of the underground cavern of the brenkou Gong Ge hydropower station, which plays an important role in reducing the losses caused by rock burst.
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