发布时间:2018-02-26 14:24
本文关键词: 土石坝 必要性 渗流分析 坝坡稳定 Seep/w Slope/w 安全系数 出处:《兰州理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:土石坝渗流与坝坡稳定分析是水利工程中长期以来一个极其重要的研究课题,因土石坝具有就地取材、造价低、结构简单、对自然条件的适应性强、抗震性好、工作可靠、工作寿命长以及施工管理简便等优点而被广泛采用。在它的发展过程中已经积累了大量的分析计算方法和工程技术经验,但是土石坝失事事故频发,因渗流引起的滑坡、渗透破坏尤为严重,所以合理、正确地大坝渗流分析与坝坡稳定分析是保证土石坝安全运行的关键。 文中回顾了渗流理论和边坡理论的发展过程,从影响渗流和边坡稳定的因素出发,基于渗流和边坡稳定分析的基本理论和基本方法,给出了渗流稳定分析的连续性方程、微分方程以及极限平衡法和有限元法,建立了二维土石坝渗流和边坡稳定分析的数值模型。 以青海大寺沟水库大坝作为研究的典型实例,运用Geo-Studio有限元分析软件中的Seep/w模块和Slope/w模块重点分析了在不同水位荷载组合工况下坝体渗流场、浸润线和逸出点位置,并将此渗流计算成果直接应用到坝坡稳定分析中,得出了在四个不同运行条件下的坝坡稳定安全值,将其与《碾压式土石坝设计规范》(SL274-2001)的安全系数做比较,得出坝坡是否安全。通过计算得出,大寺沟水库大坝在正常蓄水位时的渗流量为0.054m3/d,校核洪水位时的渗流量为0.0602m3/d,水位降至死水位时的渗流量为0.0087m3/d。依据此渗流计算的结果,大坝坝坡在正常运行情况、非常运行工况Ⅰ、非常运行工况Ⅱ以及水位降落时上游坝坡稳定的安全系数分别为1.88、1.50、1.29和1.27,下游坝坡稳定的安全系数分别为1.71、1.67、1.24和1.19,通过将计算所得数值与规范规定的安全数值进行对比分析,得出大寺沟水库大坝渗流场符合一般规律,坝型设计方案较为合理,在渗流场作用下坝坡稳定满足要求,大坝是安全可靠的。
[Abstract]:The dam seepage and slope stability analysis of embankment is water conservancy project has long been a very important research topic, because the earth rock dam with local materials, low cost, simple structure, strong adaptability to natural conditions, good shock resistance, reliable work, long service life and has the advantages of simple construction and pipe etc. and is widely used in. Its development process has accumulated a lot of experience and methods of analysis and calculation of engineering technology, but the accident frequently caused by seepage of earth rock dam, landslide, seepage damage is particularly serious, so reasonable, correctly analyzing dam seepage and slope stability analysis is the key to ensure the safe operation of the dam.
This paper reviews the development process of seepage theory and the theory of slope, starting from the influence of seepage and slope stability factors, analysis of the basic theory of seepage and stability of slope and the basic method based on the continuity equation of seepage stability analysis is given. The differential equation and the limit equilibrium method and finite element method, a numerical model was established to analyze two-dimensional debris dam seepage and slope stability.
In Qinghai province Ditch Reservoir Dam as a typical example of the use of Seep/w module and Slope/w module on Geo-Studio finite element analysis software in the analysis of the water level in different load combination of dam seepage, seepage line and exit point position, and the seepage calculation results directly applied to dam slope stability analysis, the the dam slope stability safety in four different operating conditions, the design specification of earth rockfill dam "rolling type > (SL274-2001) comparing the safety coefficient, the slope of the dam is safe. By calculation, temple Ditch Reservoir Dam in the normal water level when the seepage flow is 0.054m3/d, flow rate of 0.0602m3/d leakage check flood water level, the water level dropped dead water level when the seepage flow is 0.0087m3/d. on the basis of the seepage calculation results of dam slope in normal operating conditions, operating conditions of very, very 2 and operating conditions The safety coefficient of water landing when the upstream dam slope stability were 1.88,1.50,1.29 and 1.27, the downstream dam slope stability safety factor of 1.71,1.67,1.24 and 1.19 respectively, by contrast the numerical calculation of safety regulations and norms of the numerical, the temple groove dam seepage field is consistent with the general rules, dam type design is reasonable, to meet the requirements the stability of dam slope seepage field, the dam is safe and reliable.
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