本文选题:洪水演进 切入点:数值模拟 出处:《天津大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since ancient times, the development of human civilization has been closely related to rivers, which provide a variety of essential resources for the survival and development of human beings. Rivers not only benefit mankind, but also accompany with continuous flood disasters. In order to make better use of the resources brought by rivers, we must fully understand the natural laws followed by the evolution and development of rivers, and develop and utilize them reasonably, so as to realize social, economic and ecological development. The sustainable and harmonious development of environment. In order to prevent the flood attack, reduce the damage caused by the flood, it is very important to dredge the flood path in time and study the flood movement law. The flood routing model emerges as the times require, thus realizing the simulation of historical flood. In real time floods and future floods, the limited measured water regime information is deduced to the whole basin. The flood routing model makes prior assessment, real time assessment and ex post evaluation of the flood situation in the basin, and forecasts the flood in time for the hydrological characteristics of the disaster areas. It is of great significance to study the real time flood regulation. In this paper, a two-dimensional mathematical model of unsteady flow is established by using finite volume method. The hydrological data in Chaobai River calculation area are collected from the data of the North Sanhe River system. The basic data of flood control engineering are sorted out and analyzed. The calculation area is divided into irregular grids, and the numerical calculation of flood routing is carried out by using the established mathematical model for each frequency flood and the working conditions before and after the construction of the project. The results are compared and analyzed. The calculated results are reasonable and can fully reflect the influence of engineering construction on flood discharge, and the accuracy can meet the needs of the project. The flood routing model can provide strong technical support for the analysis of river flood routing. Thus, it can provide effective help for river course planning, flood dispatching and disaster forecasting.
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