本文选题:离岸深水全直桩码头 + 软土地基 ; 参考:《天津大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:As the transport ships tend to be large and large, the position of the new port wharf is moved to the offshore and deepwater areas, and the shallow foundation soil in the offshore deepwater area is mostly saturated soft clay. The structure of the full straight pile wharf is a new type of high pile wharf suitable for the deep offshore waters of the soft soil foundation. The structure of high pile wharf is different, its bearing mechanism and the failure mode are different from the traditional high pile wharf; the wave load intensity of the offshore deepwater area is higher, and the cyclic softening effect caused by the wave cyclic loading is remarkable; the pile body of the offshore deepwater full pile wharf is long, the structure flexibility is larger, the basic structure period and wave of the structure are also. The wave force, the impact force load cycle is close, the structural dynamic response characteristic, the storm wave and the structure interaction are outstanding. Under the action of long term wave cyclic loading, the accumulative deformation characteristics of the offshore deepwater full pile wharf structure is not clear. In view of the above problems, the offshore deep water full straight pile code is used in combination with a offshore deepwater port design scheme. The bearing mechanism of the head structure, the failure mode, the influence factors of the structural stability under the horizontal load (considering the soil cyclic softening effect), the static structure under horizontal load, the simplified calculation method of dynamic force and the simplified calculation method of the cumulative deformation of the structure under cyclic loading are systematically studied. The main research contents are studied. The methods and research results are as follows: 1. with the help of the large commercial finite element analysis software ABAQUS, a three-dimensional elastoplastic finite element model of the structure foundation interaction of offshore deepwater full pile wharf is established. The load control method is used to analyze the wave force, the horizontal load of the impact force and the vertical load, combining the loading coefficient and the ideal plastic flow concept. Under loading, the bending moment of the pile and the distribution of soil pressure on the pile side under the action of load, deformation and horizontal load. The bearing characteristics and failure modes of the offshore deepwater full straight pile wharf structure are studied. The "plastic hinge" failure mode is suggested to be used as a judgement of the horizontal load, which is combined with the pile bending moment and the distribution of soil pressure in the pile side. The standard.2. of the structure limit state of the bank deepwater full straight pile wharf combines the cyclic strength of saturated soft clay foundation with the Mises yield criterion by the finite element software interface subroutine. Based on the pseudo static analysis, the calculation model of the soil cyclic softening effect of the offshore deep water full pile wharf structure is established with the saturated soft clay under the action of wave load. The effect of soil cyclic softening is simulated. The influence of soil cyclic softening effect on structural stability is analyzed by finite element method, and then the influence of pile penetration depth, pile wall thickness, soil condition, soil cyclic softening effect and dilatancy angle on the horizontal ultimate bearing capacity of offshore deepwater full pile wharf structure is discussed. .3. is used to calculate the applicability of M, P-Y curve method and NL method to calculate the structure of offshore deepwater full pile wharf through the finite element method, and the simplified calculation method based on M method is suitable for small displacement cases, and the simplified calculation method based on the P-Y curve method and the NL method are in good agreement with the finite element calculation results in the small displacement and large displacement cases, and the static force is verified by the finite element method. Based on the P-Y curve method and the NL method, a simplified method for determining the horizontal ultimate bearing capacity of offshore deep water full pile wharf is established based on the P-Y curve method and the maximum bending moment ratio of the pile body under the effect of the designed load. The method of modal analysis is used to study offshore deepwater. The self vibration characteristics of the structure of the full straight pile wharf are obtained. The conclusion is that the structure of the structure has a long basic cycle, and the wave force, the impact load cycle of the structure is close to, and the dynamic response of the structure is prominent. On this basis, based on the P-Y curve method and NL method, a simplified calculation method for dynamic response of offshore deep water full straight pile wharf is established. By comparing with the results of dynamic finite element calculation, the validity and feasibility of the simplified calculation method of the dynamic response.5. is verified by the cyclic loading action of cyclic loading of soft clay under cyclic loading. The variation trend of the number of times and the trend of soil creep under the static load is similar to the change trend of time. The number of cyclic loading times is regarded as the unit of time measurement, and the calculation model of cyclic cumulative deformation of soft clay based on creep theory is established, and the calculation of cyclic cumulative variation of soil mass by the quasi static elastoplastic finite element method is proposed. In order to illustrate the feasibility of calculating the cumulative cyclic deformation of the whole straight pile wharf structure by this method, with the help of ABAQUS finite element software, the results of the indoor cyclic three axis test are simulated with its Interface subroutine, and the results show that the two are basically overlapped. Finally, the method is used to study the offshore deepwater under cyclic loading. The cyclic cumulative deformation characteristics of the full straight pile wharf structure.
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