发布时间:2018-04-26 13:49
本文选题:黄河内蒙段 + 河床冲淤演变 ; 参考:《内蒙古农业大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,黄河内蒙段河道内水沙量变化剧烈,河床不断发生迁移摆动,河槽严重淤积萎缩。因此,研究该河段河床冲淤演变规律与其影响因素之间的关系显得尤为迫切。本文根据钱宁教授的河床演变学和河流动力学的基本原理,以统计回归分析与软件处理相结合为基本处理手段,在收集整理黄河内蒙段4个水文站流量水位、河道断面及遥感卫片等资料的基础上,分析了黄河内蒙段横纵向河道形态变迁特点、汛期及非汛期同流量下的水位变化规律和各影响因子对河床演变的影响程度等,取得如下成果: 1.断面法分析结果表明:45年来石嘴山断面处于平衡状态,河道右岸冲刷,左岸淤积;巴彦高勒断面总体呈微淤状态,淤积和冲刷交替发生,但局部河段发生较剧烈冲刷;三湖河口断面逐步向窄深方向发展,断面总体左岸发生剧烈的迁移,并出现局部左右摆动现象,凹岸冲刷侵蚀,凸岸淤积加高;头道拐断面总体处于冲刷的状态,河道向两侧摆动,高低滩地左右切换,河道基本处于动态冲淤平衡状态。总体来看,整个河段呈淤积状态,其中20世纪90年代更为突出。 2.黄河内蒙段汛期受到来自上游洪水的冲刷,而非汛期的水位上下波动,总体上呈微淤状态。同流量水位法很好地揭示了黄河内蒙段河道具有“大水冲刷,小水淤积”的特性。 3.黄河内蒙段的主河道面积及平均宽度总体上呈减少的趋势,曾经大面积相对稳定的河心洲也已演变为小规模的心滩,河心洲数量减少,总体上呈河道淤积和河槽萎缩的趋势。 4.黄河内蒙段主槽过水面积A1与前一年主槽过水面积A(t-1)、流量Qi、其他时间因子t存在较强的相关关系,在建立线形回归模型并用于模拟预测研究区主槽过水面积的变化情况,从而揭示河床冲淤演变特征。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the amount of water and sediment in the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River has changed dramatically, the river bed has been moving and swinging constantly, and the channel is seriously silting and shrinking. Therefore, it is urgent to study the relationship between erosion and siltation evolution of the river bed and its influencing factors. Based on Professor Qian Ning's basic principles of river bed evolution and river dynamics, this paper takes the combination of statistical regression analysis and software processing as the basic means to collect and sort out the discharge water levels of four hydrologic stations in the Neimeng section of the Yellow River. Based on the data of channel section and remote sensing satellite, this paper analyzes the characteristics of horizontal and longitudinal river channel changes in the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River, the variation of water level in flood season and non-flood season, and the influence degree of each influencing factor on river bed evolution, etc. The following results have been achieved: 1. The results of cross-section analysis show that the Shizuishan section is in equilibrium state in the past 45 years, the right bank of the river course is scoured, the left bank is silted, the Bayangol section is in the state of micro-siltation, the siltation and scour occur alternately, but the local river reaches are scoured violently. The section of Sanhu Estuary gradually develops towards narrow and deep direction, the overall left bank of the section moves violently, the phenomenon of local left and right swinging occurs, the erosion of the concave bank, the siltation of the convex bank increases, and the section of the head road is generally in the state of scouring, The channel swinging to both sides and switching between high and low beach, the channel is basically in the state of dynamic scouring and silting equilibrium. In general, the whole reach is silting, especially in the 1990's. 2. The flood season of the Neimeng section of the Yellow River is washed by the upstream flood, but the water level fluctuates up and down in the non-flood season. The same discharge water level method has well revealed that the channel in the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River has the characteristics of "big water scour, small water deposition". 3. The area and average width of the main channel in the Neimeng section of the Yellow River have generally decreased, and the once relatively stable Hexinzhou has also evolved into a small scale Xintan, and the number of the Hexin Island has decreased, with the overall trend of channel siltation and channel atrophy. 4. There is a strong correlation between the area A1 of the main channel in the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River and the area of water passing through the main channel of the previous year, the flow rate Qiand other time factors t. The linear regression model is established and used to simulate and predict the change of the overwater area of the main channel in the study area. Thus, the evolution characteristics of river bed erosion and deposition are revealed.
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