本文选题:水资源管理 + 生态水文 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:River water resources and water environment play an important role in the benign cycle of natural ecosystem and the sustainable development of economic and social development. As the main means of river development, the construction and operation of the dam and dam provide an effective support for the economic and social development, as well as a series of hydrology, water environment and water ecological problems, and to the river. The influence of health conditions. The hydrological effect and ecological response of rivers under the influence of human activities have become an urgent problem to be considered in the process of sustainable utilization of water resources and the process of harmonious economic and social development. The influence of water conservancy projects such as dam and dam construction on the river ecosystem, the hydrological variation under the influence of the dam and the law of water quality change are analyzed. It is of great significance for the scientific management of the water resources, the restoration of the water ecosystem, the health protection of the rivers, the construction of the ecological civilization of water, and the construction of the ecological civilization of water. This paper selects the Sha Ying River, which has the characteristics of typical sluice controlled rivers. The main research work includes: (1) the ecological hydrological effect of the river under the influence of the dam and dam is based on the hydrology, water quality and other data collection and analysis of the shying River Basin in the study area. Water ecological data is used to analyze the development and evolution characteristics of hydrology, water environment and water ecosystem in the area. Based on the characteristics of the multiple sluice dam in the Sha Ying River, the typical dam and key hydrographic sections are determined based on the research foundation of regional water resources and water environment management, and the hydrological effect of the dam project is analyzed and identified by the method of hydrologic change index. The ecological and hydrological effects of water conservancy projects are quantified and the impact of dam construction on the river ecosystem is analyzed. (2) an ecological water demand assessment method for river health and river health is proposed by identifying the concept of river health and river ecological water requirement, and the interrelationship between the two is clearly defined. To analyze the characteristics of water demand, summarize the characteristics and applicability of the current calculation methods for the ecological water requirement of various rivers, combine the key problems of the ecological water requirement of the river control river, and put forward the concept, connotation and key indexes of ecological water requirement oriented to the river health, which provides the theoretical basis for the subsequent determination of the ecological water requirement evaluation method suitable for the river control river. 3) on the basis of extensive collection and comprehensive analysis of the related literature of river ecological water demand, the theory and method of ecological water requirement for river health oriented River are proposed. Based on the river health as the target, based on the identification of the key indicators of ecological water requirement, the ecological water requirement calculation method system suitable for the river flow is constructed. As the calculation and calculation unit, the typical river section calculates and analyzes the ecological water requirement of the river, checks the calculation results, and then determines the ecological water threshold of the main river section of the shying River Basin and its process, and carries out the analysis of the calculation results. (4) the construction of the ecological water demand control method based on the demand of hydrological situation is based on the sluice bar bar. On the basis of the analysis of the eco hydrological effect under the part, considering the demand for the optimal allocation of water resources, the framework of the ecological water demand regulation method based on the ecological hydrological response mechanism is constructed. Based on the relationship analysis of the hydrology water quality water ecology of the sluice controlled River, the existing ecological scheduling model of the river control river is analyzed, and the water situation and the water quality condition are analyzed. As well as flood season, non flood season water ecological scheduling rules, combined with human social water and river ecological restoration targets, the multi-objective model of dam ecological scheduling considering natural flow situation is constructed, and the multi scheme simulation technique is used to simulate the river ecological water demand control scheme under the control of different dam and dam, and to analyze the ecological water requirement of the water area. Degree and control effect to provide support for the regulation of ecological water demand for sluice controlled rivers. (5) research on the ecological water supply system of river gate controlled river water resources and water environment analysis under the influence of multi gate dam, combined with the experience of water resource management, water pollution control and water ecological restoration and protection in the river basin, based on the river adaptability management And so on, from the water resources guarantee mechanism and the construction of the ecological environment guarantee mechanism, the ecological water requirement system of the river gate control is put forward, and the measures system for the management of the ecological water demand in the study area is put forward to provide the reference for the comprehensive management of the river water resources.
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