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发布时间:2018-06-05 05:33

  本文选题:土石坝安全监测 + 支持向量机 ; 参考:《西安理工大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:近些年来,水利水电工程方兴未艾,特别是我国水能资源丰富的西南地区,仍有一些大型水利水电工程项目处在施工建设阶段。随着“一带一路”战略的提出,更多的水利水电建设者们将走出国门,援建其他国家。为了发挥工程的巨大效益、保证工程的平稳运行,大坝的安全问题就显得尤为重要,特别是占大多数的土石坝,而安全监测是反映土石坝安全性态、减少工程事故发生的重要手段。建立土石坝安全监测模型,分析监测资料数据,评判土石坝安全性态是安全监测工作的重要组成部分。支持向量机(SVM)作为一种数据挖掘中的新方法,能够较好的处理非线性、高维数和小样本问题,具有良好的泛化能力,在土石坝安全监测领域得到应用。但该模型参数的选取是模型性能优劣的关键,分别采用粒子群算法(PSO)和人工蜂群算法(ABC)进行参数寻优优化模型。最后建立了土石坝安全性态模糊评价模型,结合某土石坝渗流监测数据,对土石坝渗流安全等级进行评判。本文主要研究内容和成果如下:(1)阐述支持向量机的算法原理、特点,参数选取对模型的影响,在分析土石坝效应量和环境变量之间关系的基础上建立了基于支持向量机的土石坝监测模型。(2)分别介绍粒子群算法和人工蜂群算法的原理、特点、参数等内容,针对支持向量机中采用网格搜索法选取模型参数导致模型精度不高的问题,将具有全局寻优能力的粒子群算法、人工蜂群算法引入支持向量机,进行参数寻优、优化模型,建立了 PSO-SVM、ABC-SVM 土石坝监测模型。(3)将建立的PSO-SVM、ABC-SVM模型应用于工程实例,结合某土石坝的位移、渗流监测数据进行拟合与预测,并与支持向量机模型做对比分析,结果表明PSO-SVM、ABC-SVM模型预测精度更高、误差更小。其中ABC-SVM模型的效果更好,说明ABC算法具有更强的全局寻优能力。(4)建立土石坝安全性态模糊评价模型。先拟定监控指标,利用模糊数学方法,确定监测项目各测点监测数据的隶属度矩阵,引入博弈论确定各测点权重,通过运算得到评判结果,再根据最大隶属度原则确定土石坝的安全性态等级。对某土石坝实测渗流监测数据进行评判,得到的土石坝渗流安全等级结论与安全定检报告相符。
[Abstract]:In recent years, water conservancy and hydropower projects are in the ascendant, especially in the southwest of China, where there are still some large water conservancy and hydropower projects in the construction stage. With the "Belt and Road" strategy proposed, more water conservancy and hydropower builders will go abroad to help build other countries. In order to give full play to the great benefit of the project and ensure the smooth operation of the project, the safety problem of the dam is particularly important, especially the earth-rock dam, which accounts for the majority, and the safety monitoring reflects the safety state of the earth-rock dam. An important means to reduce the occurrence of engineering accidents. It is an important part of safety monitoring work to establish the safety monitoring model of earth-rock dam, analyze the monitoring data and judge the safety state of earth-rock dam. As a new method in data mining, support Vector Machine (SVM) can deal with nonlinear, high dimension and small sample problems. It has good generalization ability and has been applied in the field of earth and rock dam safety monitoring. However, the selection of model parameters is the key to the performance of the model. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) are used to optimize the parameters of the model. Finally, a fuzzy evaluation model of the safety of earth-rock dam is established. Combined with the seepage monitoring data of a certain earth-rock dam, the safety grade of seepage of earth-rock dam is evaluated. The main contents and results of this paper are as follows: (1) expounding the principle, characteristics and the influence of parameter selection on the model of support vector machine (SVM). Based on the analysis of the relationship between the effect quantity of earth-rock dam and environmental variables, the monitoring model of earth-rock dam based on support vector machine (SVM) is established. The principles, characteristics and parameters of particle swarm algorithm and artificial bee swarm algorithm are introduced, respectively. Aiming at the problem that selecting model parameters by grid search method in support vector machine leads to low precision of model, particle swarm optimization algorithm with global optimization ability and artificial bee colony algorithm are introduced into support vector machine to optimize parameters and optimize model. The PSO-SVMU ABC-SVM monitoring model for earth-rock dam is established. The PSO-SVMU ABC-SVM model is applied to the engineering example. Combined with the displacement of a certain earth-rock dam, the seepage monitoring data are fitted and predicted, and compared with the support vector machine model. The results show that the prediction accuracy and error of PSO-SVMU ABC-SVM model are higher and smaller. The effect of ABC-SVM model is better, which indicates that ABC algorithm has stronger global optimization ability. 4) the fuzzy evaluation model of earth and rock dam safety is established. First, the monitoring index is drawn up, and the membership matrix of the monitoring data is determined by using fuzzy mathematics method. The weight of each measuring point is determined by introducing game theory, and the evaluation results are obtained by calculation. According to the principle of maximum membership degree, the safety grade of earth-rock dam is determined. By judging the measured seepage monitoring data of a earth-rock dam, the conclusion of safety grade of seepage in earth-rock dam is in agreement with the report of safety determination and inspection.


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