发布时间:2018-06-27 09:49
本文选题:石羊河流域 + 水资源管理 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:以水土资源为典型的自然资本是农民赖以生存和发展的重要基础,农户的一切生计活动都极大地依赖水土资源的保障。鉴于西北旱区内陆河流域“有水就是绿洲,无水便是荒漠”的水资源自然特性,以流域为单元的水资源高效管理显得尤为重要。石羊河流域作为河西走廊三大内陆河流域之一,长期以来,水是流域经济社会发展的第一要素,随着经济的快速发展,现代工、农业和新兴产业的蓬勃兴起,围绕水发展面临着诸多困境。 本文基于石羊河流域综合治理政策的宏观背景,对“限水减地”政策实施五年来不同主体层面(政府、农户)的水资源管理现状进行系统考察,实证分析了政策实施后流域内农民家庭生计途径多样性及其影响因素,并探讨了水资源管理与农民家庭多元生计途径二者之间的关系。研究采用规范研究方法和实证分析方法相结合,定性和定量相结合的混合研究路径,应用社会学、环境科学、人文地理学、数理统计等相关学科的专业理论知识,通过实地调查获得的第一手访谈资料和问卷数据,系统研究了政策影响下的水管理与农户生计及二者之间的关系。通过研究,得出以下主要结论: (1)流域综合治理政策下的水管理主体呈现出政府主导、群众参与的格局。“限水”政策对农户在水资源使用方式、效率和管理上都有很大的影响,节水效果明显。 (2)依附于脆弱性生存环境的农户生计也是脆弱的,大多数农户生计模式较为单一,不同生计资本之间的发展不平衡,生计系统的整体转换缺乏内在的动力及持续性。 (3)农户响应政策的行动有两个方面:第一,调整种植结构,优化生计资产组合,合理安排生计活动,努力实现农业内部经营活动的多样化。第二,积极向外拓展生计途径,转移家庭剩余劳动力,增加非农就业收入。此外,实证结果也验证了流域内农户生计途径趋于多样化的事实。 (4)水管理与农户多元生计途径之间存在相生相伴的耦合关系,其相互影响共同致力于保护和恢复流域的生态环境,追求水资源的永续利用和多渠道改善农户的生活水平。
[Abstract]:Taking water and soil resources as the typical natural capital is an important basis for the survival and development of farmers , all the livelihood activities of farmers depend greatly on the protection of water and water resources . As one of the three inland river basins in the Hexi corridor , Shiyang River basin is one of the three inland river basins in Hexi corridor .
Based on the macro background of the comprehensive management policy of Shiyang River Basin , this paper systematically studies the current situation of water resources management in different subject levels ( government , farmer ) in five years .
( 1 ) The main body of water management under the comprehensive management policy of river basin shows the pattern of government - led and public participation . " Water - limited " policy has great influence on the way , efficiency and management of water resources , and the water - saving effect is obvious .
( 2 ) The livelihoods of farmers who are dependent on the living environment of vulnerability are also fragile . Most of the farmers ' livelihood patterns are single , the development of different livelihoods capital is not balanced , and the overall conversion of livelihood systems lacks intrinsic motivation and sustainability .
( 3 ) The action of farmer response policy has two aspects : first , adjusting planting structure , optimizing the combination of livelihood assets , rationally arranging the livelihood activities , striving to diversify the internal management activities of agriculture . Second , actively expand the livelihood approach , transfer the surplus labor force of the family and increase the income of non - farm employment .
( 4 ) There is a coupled relationship between water management and multi - livelihood approaches of farmers , which affect the ecological environment of the river basin , pursue the sustainable utilization of water resources and improve the living standard of farmers .
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