本文选题:深厚覆盖层 + 土石围堰 ; 参考:《长江科学院院报》2016年04期
[Abstract]:The good working behavior of the seepage proof wall is an important guarantee for the normal operation of the deep overburden earth rock cofferdam. It provides a reference for the structural design of the seepage proof wall under the condition of different materials, different location and different structural types of seepage proof wall under the deep covering layer, and takes a practical project as the research background. The finite element method, with the help of the ABAQUS large commercial finite element calculation software, is used to calculate various schemes of the seepage proof wall of the project. The stress and displacement of the seepage proof wall under different conditions are obtained. According to the calculated rules, the design of the seepage proof wall is optimized from 2 aspects of the qualitative and quantitative aspects. The research shows that the plastic concrete impervious wall is superior to the rigid concrete impervious wall, the former is more compatible with the deformation of cofferdam, and is more conducive to the safety of the cofferdam. The location of the seepage proof wall has a great influence on the stress and displacement of the cofferdam itself, and the location of the seepage proof wall is better than the seepage proof wall set in the weir at the bottom of the 1/3 weir at the foot of the upstream weir. Where an anti-seepage wall can not meet the design requirements, the structure type of the double impervious wall can be considered. This type of structure can greatly increase the safety margin of the cofferdam.
【作者单位】: 贵州省水利水电勘测设计研究院夹岩设计处;三峡大学水利与环境学院;
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