[Abstract]:The energy dissipation measures usually eliminate the energy of high velocity flow through the air diffusion collision by means of the effect of jet nostrils. However, due to the high velocity of discharge in the discharge tunnel, the problems such as negative pressure and cavitation are often caused by the spillway, and the shape and distribution of the outlet water tongue are difficult to predict. Therefore, the study on the information of the discharge and the outlet flow field of the spillway is of great practical significance. This problem is usually studied by physical model test and numerical simulation. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of computer performance and the rapid development of computational fluid dynamics, numerical simulation technology has become an important method to study the hydraulic characteristics of flood discharge tunnel. On the basis of summing up the previous research results, combined with the physical model test results of the left bank flood discharge and sand flushing tunnel of Sanjiadian Water Control Project in Chifeng City, the following main results are obtained through mathematical model analysis and calculation: 1) the ICEM software is used. A topological block is established for the 3D model of the left bank of Sanjiadian Reservoir flood discharge tunnel. The ocrtree method is used to divide the grid, the finite volume method is used to discretize the grid, and the VOF method is used to track the free water surface. Using the K- 蔚 two-equation model to close the N-S equation, the 3D numerical simulation of the discharge of the flood discharge tunnel is carried out. The results show that the outlet flow rate and the water surface flow state of the discharge tunnel under the same shape and the same working condition are obtained. The calculated values of hydraulic factors such as pressure distribution and velocity distribution are in good agreement with the measured values of physical model. It is shown that the model used in numerical simulation is reasonable and the method is correct. The results can provide technical support for the design and application of practical projects. 2) the flow patterns of the two schemes of differential and tongue ridges are analyzed and calculated. The results of velocity distribution and pressure distribution show that the tongue ridges have great advantages. 3) physical model tests have irreplaceable advantages for discharging and energy dissipation and anti-scour problems of discharging buildings. Numerical simulation can be used as an auxiliary tool to expand test data and provide complete information of fluid flow.
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