[Abstract]:Due to the destruction of natural environment and the frequent occurrence of extreme weather, more attention should be paid to the dam-break of earth-rock dams. In this paper, the numerical simulation of dam-break flood caused by rainstorm is carried out. The results of the study can bring reference and help to the relevant disaster prevention work in flood area. This research topic revolves around the Shifosi Reservoir in Liaoning Province. Taking the water body of Shifosi reservoir, the main dam and the downstream area of the main dam as the research object successively, the hydrodynamic operation of the water body of Shifosi reservoir is studied. The calculation of flood discharge process after overtopping the main dam and the flood routing in the lower reaches of the crater are studied. This research mainly uses Mike series software to carry on the simulation calculation of each link. The water movement of Shifosi reservoir and the downstream course of dam-break flood are simulated by using MIKE21 FM unsteady grid model, and the hydraulic factors at break are calculated by Dam-break module of MIKE11 model. Through the establishment of the corresponding model and calculation, the movement law of Shifosi water body is obtained, and the flow change process and the downstream course of flood are predicted after the overtopping dam break caused by extreme flood. For the movement law of Shifosi water body, this paper analyzes the movement of Shifosi reservoir water body from three aspects: point, line and surface. The variation law of velocity and depth of water at characteristic point is obtained, and the variation of water level of designated section and whole water surface is obtained, and the location and mode of dam break of Shifosi reservoir are obtained through the prediction of dam break of main dam. The variation of flood volume is calculated by using MIKE11 software, and the roughness field is established in this paper for the study of flood routing in the lower reaches of the gully, and the prediction of velocity, arrival time and submergence in flood routing is made. The significance of this study has two main aspects. One is the hydrodynamic simulation of Shifosi reservoir, which can help the daily management and operation of the reservoir. The second is to predict the occurrence of reservoir flood disaster by using Mike series of software. The main research content is the flood evolution state in the downstream flood area once the super flood occurs. These predictions are helpful to the flood disaster emergency plan and flood risk assessment in the lower reaches of the reservoir area.
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