[Abstract]:Water resource is the most critical resource for human production and life, and is the important material foundation to support the sustainable development of economy and society. The development and progress of human history is closely related to water resources. With the rapid development of economy and society, the serious problems of water resources and water environment seriously restrict the further development of human society, and the relationship between human and water faces more severe challenges, seeking the road of harmonious development of human and water. Gradually becoming one of the global focus issues. The concept of human-water harmony has practical guiding significance for the formulation and implementation of regional or watershed water resources regulation strategy. Based on the concept of human-water harmony, the establishment of human-water relationship simulation and harmonious regulation model is a supplement to the research system of human-water relationship. It is the dynamic simulation and control analysis of the harmonious degree of human water system in different stages, and provides an important theoretical basis for making water resources management decision. On the basis of the analysis of the current research situation and existing problems at home and abroad, based on the previous research results of the research group and the theory and method of harmony theory, this paper carries out the research on the theory and application of harmonious regulation between human and water. It mainly includes the following aspects: (1) study on the theory and framework of harmonious regulation of human-water relationship. On the basis of systematically expounding the basic concept and connotation characteristics of human-water relationship, this paper puts forward the research framework of harmonious regulation of human-water relationship, which includes the harmonious evaluation, quantitative simulation and harmonious regulation of human-water relationship. And clarify the relationship between the three, improve the research system of human-water relationship. (2) the quantitative evaluation of the degree of harmony between human and water. Based on the system theory, the concept and connotation of the relationship between human and water are deeply analyzed. According to the four levels of "goal-criteria-classification-index", water resources, water environment, water ecology, social development, economic development, scientific and technological development are constructed. The harmonious evaluation index system of human-water relationship, including water supply, protection and management subsystem, and the quantitative evaluation method of harmony theory were used to evaluate the degree of harmony between human and water in Henan province. (3) the simulation study of human-water relationship. The embedded system dynamics model and method are used to couple the water system in the form of water resources conversion equation and pollutant mass balance equation with all kinds of water use modules of the humanistic system, and the model is applied to Henan Province. To realize the dynamic simulation of the human-water relationship under different scenarios, to find out the main influencing factors of the human-water relationship, and to lay the foundation for the harmonious regulation of the human-water relationship. (4) the study on the harmonious regulation of the human-water relationship. This paper puts forward a framework of harmonious regulation and control model of human-water relationship including the basis, principle, classification and train of thought, and divides the control area into different control types according to different characteristics based on the method of matching degree calculation. Two kinds of harmonious control models are proposed, one is based on harmonious balance and the other is based on "three red lines". Among them, the regulation model based on harmonious balance is based on the newly proposed concept and quantitative method of harmonious balance, which includes the general expression of harmonious balance, the regulation model based on "three red lines", and the control model based on "three red lines". Taking "three red lines" as the constraint condition and taking the maximum degree of harmony between human and water as the target, the regulation model is constructed.
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