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发布时间:2018-08-15 14:52
[Abstract]:Although the compaction density and deformation modulus of modern CFRD are much higher than those of earlier stage, the deformation of dam body is still the main problem in safety design of CFRD. Guan. In recent years, problems such as compression failure of face slab and void of face slab occurred during filling, impoundment and earthquake of high face rockfill dam. These problems are closely related to deformation of rockfill and contact deformation between face slab and cushion. In recent years, the elastic-plastic finite element analysis of the filling and impoundment process of CFRD has been greatly developed. However, due to the lack of seismic damage data under strong earthquake, the development of dynamic elastic-plastic analysis method for CFRD has been certain. At present, the equivalent linear analysis method widely used in the dynamic analysis of CFRD can better reflect the acceleration response of moderate and low intensity earthquakes, but it can not meet the analysis requirements of the simulation of the whole process of strong nonlinearity and even failure that may occur in the strong earthquake environment of the dam. Deformation is the main cause of extrusion failure and slab void, but the equivalent linear analysis method can not consider the progressive development of plastic deformation under dynamic conditions, and it is difficult to evaluate the effect of rock-fill deformation on slab failure under strong earthquake. In this paper, the effect of large-scale triaxial apparatus on the grain size of dam-building rockfill materials is firstly adopted. A generalized plastic model of state-dependent rockfill material considering particle breakage is proposed. Then a three-dimensional generalized plastic contact surface model is proposed. Finally, an elastoplastic constitutive model based on the interface between rockfill material and face slab and cushion is established. Three-dimensional static and dynamic elastic-plastic finite element analysis method of concrete face rockfill dam is applied to the static and dynamic elastic-plastic finite element analysis of Zipingpu concrete face rockfill dam during filling, impoundment and earthquake. The results show that there is a good hyperbolic relationship between the particle breakage rate and the plastic work under monotonic and cyclic loads, and the effect of void ratio, confining pressure and stress path is less. (2) The relationship between the particle breakage and the critical state is analyzed by using the sand test results in the literature. The critical state of the rockfill materials for Ziping Pavement Dam and the sand and gravel materials for Milan River Dam are studied in order to better reflect the variation of the critical state with particle breakage. The results show that there is a good linear relationship between dilatancy ratio Dp and stress ratio_before peak stress, and the relationship between dilatancy of equal P and_3 paths is basically the same. The stress ratio decreases with the increase of confining pressure. There is a good linear relationship between the phase transformation stress ratio Mf and the state parameter_, and the slope parameter k is less than 0. (4) The dilatancy law of the rockfill and the Altash gravel under Triaxial Cyclic loading is studied. The dilatancy curves on the d 0 and d 0 paths under cyclic loading are approximately linear. The initial loading (monotonic) and initial unloading dilatancy curves are the boundary lines (outer lines) of the dilatancy curves under cyclic loading. The dilatancy curves under cyclic loading are both located inside the boundary lines. The position of dilatancy line under cyclic loading is closely related to the position of unloading reverse bending point. The farther the reverse bending point is from the initial loading dilatancy line, the greater the distance the dilatancy line deviates from the initial unloading dilatancy line after unloading. Consistent. (5) Based on experimental study and generalized plastic model framework, a generalized state-dependent plasticity model for rockfill considering particle breakage is proposed by using boundary surface and critical state theory in collaboration with Professor Liu Huabei. Initial void ratio is taken as the model input parameter, and the model parameters are independent of the initial void ratio. The static and dynamic elastic-plastic finite element numerical simulation of CFRD is carried out by using the model. The influence of gradation change caused by crushing particles on the deformation of CFRD is analyzed. The influence of fragmentation on the gradation change will obviously underestimate the deformation of the dam, which is very unfavorable to the safety evaluation of the dam. This may be one of the main reasons why the settlement deformation of the high dam calculated by the finite element method is smaller than that measured. (6) Based on the contact surface model under plane strain condition, the boundary surface theory is adopted. A three-dimensional generalized plastic contact surface model is proposed. The model can reflect the deformation characteristics of the contact surface under three-dimensional monotonic and cyclic conditions with different initial void ratios and different normal constraints. The influence of particle breakage under monotonic and cyclic loads and the three-dimensional coupling effect of shear can be considered. Three-dimensional finite element static and dynamic elastic-plastic finite element numerical simulation was carried out for the CFRD under construction. The influence of contact surface model on the deformation and stress of the contact surface between the face slab and the cushion was analyzed. The results show that the generalized plastic contact surface model can better describe the deformation of the contact surface between the face slab and the cushion than the hyperbolic (only static calculation) and the ideal elastic-plastic contact surface model. (7) Based on the generalized plastic model of state-dependent rockfill materials and the three-dimensional generalized plastic contact surface model, the static and dynamic elastic-plastic finite element simulation of Ziping Paved Rockfill Dam is carried out. Based on the feedback analysis of the residual deformation after Wenchuan earthquake, the parameters of the rockfill model are obtained, and the dynamic response and residual deformation law of the dam are analyzed. The slab of Zipingpu CFRD has a large void area after the earthquake, which is closely related to the water level before the earthquake. It is easier for the slab to void above the water level because the normal restraint of the slab is small. Surface elastic-plastic model can reproduce the residual deformation and slab void process of Ziping Paved Rockfill Dam under Wenchuan earthquake.


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