[Abstract]:With the gradual formation of large-scale reservoir groups, River and reservoir water system connectivity has become complex and diverse, the change of connectivity pattern makes the joint operation of reservoir groups show many new characteristics and problems, and its comprehensive operation and operation management become more and more complex. Therefore, this paper chooses the water supply reservoir group directly under Liaoning Province as the research object, starts from the theoretical research and the example application two aspects, to formulate the water supply reservoir group operation rules under the connected condition, the model construction way and the solution method. The main contents and achievements are as follows: (1) Based on long-term observed runoff data, the annual and interannual variation characteristics of inflow runoff of four large reservoirs in Liaohe River basin in Liaoning Province are analyzed, and Spearman rank correlation test and Mann-Kendall rank phase are used. The Guan-Cheng method is used to analyze the runoff variation of large reservoirs in each study area, and a two-dimensional joint distribution model based on Copula function is established. The model is used to analyze the characteristics of runoff compensation between basins, so as to judge the runoff compensation ability between reservoirs (basins). (2) According to the current situation, the direct water of Liaoning Province is provided. The water supply dispatching mode of reservoir group is divided into water supply units according to the river basin, and the network structure diagram of each water supply unit is generalized and drawn. Based on the water supply units, the single reservoir, the simple series reservoir and the simple parallel reservoir in each water supply unit are optimized and dispatched respectively by using the optimization method, and the optimal dispatching diagram of reservoir (reservoir group) is obtained. (3) Aiming at the joint operation of water supply reservoirs, based on the idea of "aggregation decomposition", a framework for solving the operation rules of aggregate reservoirs is proposed. Equivalent aggregate reservoir and two types of aggregate reservoir water supply dispatching rules are given to guide the aggregate reservoir water supply dispatching in the aggregation stage. The framework is applied to the water supply dispatch of aggregate reservoirs composed of Qinghe and Chaihe parallel reservoirs in the main stream of Liaohe River basin, and the effect of different dispatching rules on the joint dispatch performance of reservoirs is mainly studied. (4) The Huntai reservoir group is taken as the research object, and two different modeling methods are adopted to construct the model. On this basis, the simulation-optimization model is used to optimize the operation rules. By comparing and discussing the joint optimal operation results of reservoir groups based on the measured runoff series under different rules, the rationality of the joint operation rules is verified. The effect of low runoff uncertainty on the application results of the model is studied. A combined model of first-order autoregressive-disaggregation based on the master station method is proposed for the random generation of ten-day runoff simulation series. The ten-day runoff simulation series generated by the model is input into the joint operation model I and II to analyze the rationality and difference of the two kinds of joint operation models. The spatial topology of inter-basin water transfer system is analyzed, and the joint operation rules of two-way inter-basin water supply reservoirs are formulated, which consider both water supply by reservoirs and inter-basin water transfer. The motivation mechanism takes the initial impoundment state of the reservoir group as the judgment index, and realizes the inter-basin water allocation by establishing the correlation between the total amount of initial impoundment and the water transfer control line. To verify the rationality and validity of the proposed regulation, four different joint operation schemes are formulated to guide the two-way cross-flow. The results show that the two-way inter-basin water supply scheme can simultaneously increase the water supply quantity of the reservoir groups in the two basins and the water supply guarantee rate of each agricultural irrigation area, so that the reservoir groups between the basins can supply water in a mutually beneficial way. The research questions are prospected.
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