[Abstract]:Large pumped storage power station is a special power supply with many functions, such as peak shaving, valley filling, frequency modulation, phase modulation, standby and black start, which is the most economical energy storage facility at present. Among them, the static Frequency Converter) of a large pumped storage power station is one of its special important electrical equipments. Its function is to adjust the current frequency of the stator winding of the reversible unit gradually after the magnetic field of the rotor of the reversible unit has been established. The resulting electromagnetic torque causes the generator to gradually increase its speed until the reversible unit is put on the grid. As a new way of synchronous drive, static frequency conversion startup has many advantages: high efficiency, good control performance, steady start, no out-of-step problem, multiple units can share a set of SFCs, and the investment price ratio of single machine is low. Small impact on motor and power grid, quick and reliable start, etc. Frequency conversion startup is the first choice for the start-up of large pumped storage power station under P working condition. Popularizing frequency conversion startup is not only an important means to promote reliable and economic operation of the storage power station at present, but also to improve the success rate of startup. It is also the inevitable requirement to realize the safe and stable operation of power grid. In this paper, the key technology and problems in the application of static inverter in large pumped storage power station are studied. By studying the basic working principle of static variable frequency starter and discussing the technical requirements and application functions of SFC components, the key technology of SFC application in pumped storage power plant is studied, including the principle of SFC startup. The detection of rotor position (the difficulty of static frequency conversion starting process), the starting control program and the protection measures of SFC, etc. The realization of rotor position measurement in Guangzhou storage hydropower plant and the control of SFC in the whole start-up process of Guangzhou storage hydropower plant are analyzed. The main electrical protection of pumped storage hydropower in Guangzhou is summarized. The operation and maintenance experience of SFC in the application of pumped storage power plant is summarized. Through collecting and studying the common fault problem in the application of SFC in the large pumped storage power station, the causes of all kinds of problems are analyzed and summarized, and the general treatment principles of the common problems are studied. Taking Guangzhou storage hydropower plant as an example, this paper introduces the common problems and solving measures in the application of SFC, emphatically studies the application and harmonic generation of SFC in the storage power plant, and probes into how to improve the working state of SFC harmonics.
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