[Abstract]:Tarim Basin is a region of high quality cotton planting, high yield and stable production, characteristic forest and fruit base, energy strategic base and petrochemical industry base. In order to ensure the normal and orderly development of the national economy and ecological environment in the region, it is necessary to ensure the effective supply of water resources. Aksu River is the only perennial source river to the Tarim River. 68% of its annual water volume comes from the Sarezazi and Aksai rivers in Jiguo. The annual discharge to the main Tarim River accounts for 75.6 percent of the water coming from the Tarim River. Therefore, its water quantity change has important realistic function and strategic significance to the downstream social and economic development. By determining the main influencing factors and changing rules of water resources input into the Aksu River, according to the current situation of water resources utilization in Aksu River Basin and Tarim River main stream area, Forecast the agricultural, industrial and domestic water demand of Aksu River basin and Tarim River main area in 2020 and 2030. By means of statistical structure analysis, different water supply schemes of Tarim River basin are simulated under the premise that water supply is equal to water demand in Tarim River basin, aiming at water resources exploitation and utilization scheme of Jiguo and Jiguo rivers. In this paper, the influence of the change of water quantity on the ecological environment and the production and development of various industries in the source and main stream areas of Tarim River Basin in China is studied. The results show that the implementation of the water resources development and utilization scheme in the upper reaches of Aksu River will greatly reduce the amount of water coming from the Tarim River, resulting in a serious shortage of water resources in the Aksu River Basin and the Tarim River main area in the Tarim River. Seasonal disconnection occurs in the middle and lower reaches of Tarim Basin, disrupting the normal water distribution mechanism in Aksu River Basin and Tarim River main area, thus affecting the social stability and the development of agriculture and industry in Tarim Basin. The shortage of water resources in the Tarim River Basin will also seriously damage the ecosystem in the basin, resulting in the decline of a large number of ecological forests, exacerbating land desertification and soil salinization, and the "green corridor" of strategic significance will be on the verge of disappearing. It further restricts the sustainable development of social economy and ecological environment in Tarim Basin and Xinjiang as a whole, hinders the process of national opening to the west and the strategic conception of "Silk Road Economic Belt".
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