发布时间:2018-10-15 15:23
【摘要】:我国是世界上建成水库大坝最多的国家,建国后60年间我国共有3462座发生溃坝,失事率约为4.0%,溃坝灾害一旦发生造成严重的交通瘫痪人员伤亡和财产经济损失随着人口的迅速增长和城市化进程的加快,溃坝灾害越来越引起人们的关注,人们开始采用科学手段识别和控制洪水风险,试图将洪水对人类危害降至最小 本文根据水利部2009年ǎ洪水风险图编制导则ǐ为主要依据,坚持编制标准与工作实际相结合的原则,针对天津市于桥水库开展溃坝洪水风险分析,,分析水库溃坝洪水可能的影响范围,对溃坝失事的影响进行评估,绘制水库溃坝风险图,为水库管理和防汛部门制定预警应急措施提供科学依据,为工程设计和决策提供有力的技术支撑首先采用GIS技术构建研究范围数字地形,并对高速公路铁路阻水堤防等进行概化,根据地形建立TIN网格;针对水库最大洪水,进行水库调洪演算,确定最大泄流过程;针对渐溃和瞬溃,采用DAMBRK模型分析确定具体的溃坝形式及溃口流量过程;在此基础上建立一二维耦合洪水演进模型,确定模型计算范围网格划分入流条件初始条件糙率选取等模型参数;针对水库最大洪水渐溃瞬溃三种情况,模拟计算洪水向下游演进情况,提炼流速水深淹没历时到达时间淹没范围等要素,绘制洪水风险图
[Abstract]:China has the largest number of reservoirs and dams in the world. In the 60 years since the founding of the people's Republic of China, there were 3462 dams broken, and the accident rate was about 4.0. Once the dam-break disaster causes serious traffic paralysis casualties and economic loss of property with the rapid growth of population and the acceleration of urbanization the dam-break disaster has attracted more and more people's attention. People begin to use scientific means to identify and control flood risk, and try to minimize the flood hazard to human beings according to the guidelines compiled by the Ministry of Water Resources 2009 flood risk map as the main basis. In accordance with the principle of combining the compilation standard with the working practice, the risk analysis of dam break flood is carried out in Yuqiao Reservoir of Tianjin, the possible influence range of dam break flood is analyzed, the impact of dam break failure is evaluated, and the risk map of dam break is drawn. It provides scientific basis for reservoir management and flood control departments to formulate early warning and emergency measures, and provides strong technical support for engineering design and decision-making. Firstly, GIS technology is used to construct the digital terrain in the research scope. The TIN grid is established according to the topography, the reservoir flood adjustment calculation is carried out for the maximum flood of the reservoir, the maximum discharge process is determined, and the process of gradual collapse and transient collapse is also discussed in the light of the generalization of the expressway railway water blocking dike and the establishment of the TIN grid according to the topography. The DAMBRK model is used to analyze and determine the concrete form of dam break and the process of burst discharge, and on this basis, the one-dimensional coupled flood routing model is established, and the model parameters such as the selection of initial condition roughness of the initial condition for grid division of the model are determined. In view of three situations of reservoir maximum flood collapsing and transient collapse, this paper simulates and calculates the condition of flood to downstream course, abstracts the factors such as velocity depth submergence duration, time to inundation and so on, and draws flood risk map.
[Abstract]:China has the largest number of reservoirs and dams in the world. In the 60 years since the founding of the people's Republic of China, there were 3462 dams broken, and the accident rate was about 4.0. Once the dam-break disaster causes serious traffic paralysis casualties and economic loss of property with the rapid growth of population and the acceleration of urbanization the dam-break disaster has attracted more and more people's attention. People begin to use scientific means to identify and control flood risk, and try to minimize the flood hazard to human beings according to the guidelines compiled by the Ministry of Water Resources 2009 flood risk map as the main basis. In accordance with the principle of combining the compilation standard with the working practice, the risk analysis of dam break flood is carried out in Yuqiao Reservoir of Tianjin, the possible influence range of dam break flood is analyzed, the impact of dam break failure is evaluated, and the risk map of dam break is drawn. It provides scientific basis for reservoir management and flood control departments to formulate early warning and emergency measures, and provides strong technical support for engineering design and decision-making. Firstly, GIS technology is used to construct the digital terrain in the research scope. The TIN grid is established according to the topography, the reservoir flood adjustment calculation is carried out for the maximum flood of the reservoir, the maximum discharge process is determined, and the process of gradual collapse and transient collapse is also discussed in the light of the generalization of the expressway railway water blocking dike and the establishment of the TIN grid according to the topography. The DAMBRK model is used to analyze and determine the concrete form of dam break and the process of burst discharge, and on this basis, the one-dimensional coupled flood routing model is established, and the model parameters such as the selection of initial condition roughness of the initial condition for grid division of the model are determined. In view of three situations of reservoir maximum flood collapsing and transient collapse, this paper simulates and calculates the condition of flood to downstream course, abstracts the factors such as velocity depth submergence duration, time to inundation and so on, and draws flood risk map.
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