[Abstract]:In recent decades, watershed management has made great progress at home and abroad, and has played a great role in promoting the exploitation of environmental resources and sustainable utilization of water resources. On the whole, however, there are still some drawbacks in the watershed management model in China, and the integrated watershed management institutions in a certain administrative region have not been established and played an effective role. Many existing watershed management institutions are old, the scope of management and ownership limits are not clear, the distribution of water resources is not balanced, the pollution and waste is serious, and it is impossible to comprehensively coordinate various industries for unified management of water resources. There are some conflicts and contradictions between watershed management and local administrative region management. The split management state of "taking local administrative region management as the center" still exists, which leads to the "tragedy of common land". At the same time, it is difficult to form continuous management of water supply, flood control and sewage because of the division of department management, which leads to serious shortage of water resources on the one hand and serious waste of water on the other. At present, most of the research on watershed management is based on the big rivers. These basins span many administrative divisions, and the exploitation and utilization of watershed resources involve many stakeholders. However, the exploration of integrated watershed management model in a specific administrative region is less. Yuhuan County, as a relatively independent island county, is a county with a relatively high level of economic development among the 12 island counties in our country. There are no river basins and water systems across other counties and cities in the administrative region, and the characteristics of various natural conditions of the islands are added. It is determined that the exploration and research of integrated watershed management model in this region has unique representativeness and reference value. In this paper, all the watershed scope in Yuhuan County of Zhejiang Province is selected as the research object, and the research results of watershed management model and management system at home and abroad are summarized and summarized. On the basis of the current watershed management system in China, this paper explores and studies a new model of watershed management which is needed to implement the strategy of sustainable development of small watershed in a relatively independent administrative region, so as to promote the sustainable development and utilization of watershed. This paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of watershed management in Yuhuan County. Based on the premise of realizing sustainable utilization of water resources in the basin and ensuring people's livelihood, the integrated management model of the watershed in Yuhuan County is systematically constructed and combined with the experience of Yuhuan County. This paper discusses the construction scheme of integrated watershed management, and puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures from four aspects: institutional capacity building, legal and policy guarantee system construction, institutional framework system construction and watershed management technical system construction. In this way, a relatively independent new management framework and management model of watershed in administrative region can be constructed, and the contradiction between vertical region and horizontal department can be straightened out on the basis of government leading, and the unified planning and implementation of regional watershed can be carried out. Coordination and management will promote the scientific, legalization and modernization of watershed management, and ensure the harmonious and healthy development of regional social economy. Through exploration and research, this paper finally puts forward the establishment of a new multi-cooperative management model of watershed management, which is based on government management, watershed management institutions and trade sector management. It realizes the organic combination of mutual supervision, mutual restriction, mutual promotion and common development between watershed management and administrative region management, and innovates the mode and method of small watershed management. The sustainable utilization of the protection of water resources is organically combined with the new demands of the sustainable development of regional economy and society.
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