[Abstract]:At present, the mulching method is a kind of in-situ remediation technology for controlling endogenous phosphorus, which is widely concerned at home and abroad, and the sediment and purified water sludge also have a certain adsorption capacity for phosphorus. Therefore, the combination of the two methods is applied to the research of channel restoration. It will be a new way of thinking. In this paper, the adsorption effect of exogenous phosphorus and the distribution of phosphorus in different forms of phosphorus in interstitial water and sediment were studied. The influence of burning mode on the adsorption characteristics of the material and the mechanism of different dosing methods on the transport and transformation of phosphorus in sediment were discussed. The sediment of Meiliang Bay in Taihu Lake, the bottom mud of Shuanghe River in Suzhou and the sewage sludge of a water purification plant in Suzhou were used as experimental materials. In the experiment, the overlying water and the interstitial water were measured by means of Rhizon interstitial water sampler and Unisense microelectrode. The data of various kinds of phosphorus in sediments were analyzed, and the transformation of phosphorus forms among them, as well as the changes of physical and microbial characteristics of microinterfaces in sediments were analyzed. According to the model equation, the method of exogenous phosphorus entering the sediment and the mechanism of the transformation of endogenous phosphorus form in the sediment were discussed. After fitting with Langmuir model, it was found that the sludge had larger maximum phosphorus adsorption capacity (S _ (max), lower P equilibrium concentration (EPC_0) and lower phosphorus saturation (DSP), and that S( max) (8.55 mg kg~ (-1) was larger than that of scorched sludge (2.64 mg kg~ (-1), and the activated sludge had higher P adsorption capacity (S _ (max) (8.55 mg kg~ (-1) than that of burned sludge (2.64 mg kg~ (-1). This shows that the activated sludge has stronger phosphorus adsorption and retention ability. In the study of burning sediment, it was found that 5.985 mg and 5.978 mg of exogenous phosphorus were injected into the sediment after mixing or covering the burnt sediment in the two groups. However, when the sediment is mixed with the burning sediment, 84.18% of the exogenous phosphorus is converted into weakly adsorbed phosphorus, and when the burning sediment is covered in the sediment, the phosphorus in the sediment is released, which mainly comes from Fe/Al-P., which accounts for 87.50% of the total phosphorus in the sediment. These phenomena are attributed to different microenvironments, where mulch is more likely to form anaerobic conditions than mixing. In the study of burning clean water sludge, it was found that the contribution rate of mixing and mulching to the disappearance of phosphorus in overlying water was almost the same, which was obviously higher than that of the control test. However, if the contact probability between the burning water sludge and the overlying water is considered, the phosphorus adsorption capacity of the unit purified water sludge is 2.3 times as much as that under the mulching condition. The dissolved phosphate concentration in interstitial water (1-2cm) was 33.17 times higher than that in mixed water (mean value), which was mainly due to the decrease of dissolved oxygen permeation depth. Under mixed conditions, exogenous phosphorus is easier to form Ca-P, and more NH_4Cl-P and Fe/Al-P are easily released under mulching condition, which implies that the modification of mixing to sediment microenvironment is more favorable to the adsorption of exogenous phosphorus and retention of endogenous phosphorus. From all the experimental results as well as the adsorption of exogenous phosphorus, the control of phosphorus in interstitial water, the transformation of sediment microenvironment, the transformation of endogenous phosphorus forms, etc., although the construction difficulty of blending is greater than that of covering, However, blending technology is promising and can be replaced by "injection of burning water sludge".
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