[Abstract]:During the discharge process, the high dam can bring a large amount of air into the water body and form the total dissolved gas (total dissolved gas, (TDG) supersaturation, which threatens the survival of the downstream aquatic organisms, especially the fish. In this paper, a rare and rare species of Loach in the Yangtze River Basin was studied by lethal test and re-exposure test under different TDG saturation. The purpose of this study was to study the tolerance of Loach to TDG supersaturated water and the chronic injury effect of low saturation. The results showed that the half-lethal time of continuous exposure to 120% and 140% TDG saturation of Loach was 152.81 ~ 64.02 and 14.89 h, respectively. The long and thin Loach which survived 96 hours after exposed to 110% and 120% saturation was again exposed to 140% concentration. The half-lethal time of the two groups was 8.72 and 7.14 h, which was 41.4% and 52.05 faster than that of the normal fish under 140% operating conditions, and the long and thin Loach which survived 96 hours after exposed to 110% and 120% saturation was again exposed to 130% concentration. The half-lethal time of the two groups was 47.77 and 15.52 h, which was 25.56 ~ 75.81 hours faster than that of the normal fish under 130% working condition. The results showed that the low saturation water of TDG affected the chronic injury of Loach.
【作者单位】: 四川大学水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51379136) 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2016YFC0401710)
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