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发布时间:2018-10-31 21:22
[Abstract]:Agricultural water consumption in the source area of the Tarim River directly affects the amount of water released to the main stream, which indirectly affects the stability of ecosystem structure in the main stream area. Therefore, the relationship between the agricultural water use and the structural change of the main stream ecosystem is analyzed based on the agricultural water footprint reflecting the change of agricultural water use, and the relationship between the four sources of agricultural water use and the structural changes of the main stream ecosystem in the Tarim River Basin. It provides a scientific reference for the decision of maintaining the structural stability of the main stream ecosystem. The results show that the total amount of agricultural land of "four sources" in Tarim River changed little from 1960s to 1990, the amount of new reclamation in Aksu River Basin was equal to the decrease amount of Yerqiang River basin, and the agricultural water footprint increased slowly and slightly at the same time. The main structural changes of the main stream ecosystem are the reduction of the natural oasis ecosystem and the expansion of the desert ecosystem. Taking the year 2000 as the dividing point, the "four sources" agricultural land and agricultural water footprint increased significantly before 2000, which resulted in the shrinkage of the natural water ecosystem, the natural oasis ecosystem and the desert ecosystem in the main stream ecosystem to varying degrees. The consumption of agricultural water for "four sources" is the direct cause of the deterioration of the main stream ecosystem. After 2000, under the influence of the ecological control project, although the "four sources" agricultural land and the total agricultural water footprint are increasing continuously, the average annual saving of the water-saving project is about 27.22 脳 108 m3, which ensures the water demand of the downstream ecosystem and makes it recover to a certain extent.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室;中国科学院大学;
【基金】:新疆维吾尔自治区科技厅重大科技专项(201230117-1) 国家自然科学基金项目(41171295) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA05050104) “千人计划”——新疆项目(374231001)~~


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