[Abstract]:Since the founding of the people's Republic of China more than 60 years ago, the hydropower industry in China has been greatly developed, the number and scale of hydropower projects have increased dramatically, and the construction and implementation of hydropower projects have brought about the development of the national economy. Social progress and regional local economic development have played a pivotal role. However, because of the complex geographical environment and difficult construction technology of hydropower project, unexpected events occur from time to time. The occurrence of unexpected events will have a serious negative impact on the society, a serious threat to life and assets, and will affect the quality of the project and the smooth implementation of the plan. Therefore, it is very important to build and perfect the emergency management system for hydropower engineering. The evaluation of emergency capability is the basic work of the construction of emergency management capacity of hydropower project. A set of reasonable evaluation index system of emergency capability is formulated to evaluate the ability of emergency response of hydropower project in an all-round way. It has become an urgent task faced by the hydropower emergency management department in our country. On the basis of summarizing the domestic and foreign literature on emergency capability evaluation, according to the characteristics of hydropower project and the design principle of evaluation index, this paper puts forward the evaluation index system of emergency response ability of hydropower project. And the rough set method is used to simplify the index system. Then, on the basis of comparing the common methods of emergency capability evaluation, In view of the shortcomings of the instability of evaluation results caused by using BP neural network method alone and the shortcomings of D-S evidence theory in evaluating the emergency capacity of hydropower projects, the initial probability distribution is difficult to determine. Combining D-S evidence theory and BP neural network theory, a model framework of hydropower engineering emergency capability evaluation based on evidence theory and BP neural network is constructed. The evaluation model mainly includes the acquisition of sample initial data. Normalization of sample data, determination of index weights and calculation of final evaluation results. Finally, based on the discussion and analysis of the evaluation results, the countermeasures and suggestions for improvement and optimization are put forward, which provide theoretical basis and guidance for the evaluation and optimization of hydropower engineering emergency capacity in practice.
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