[Abstract]:The pseudo physics algorithm (APO) is a novel intelligent algorithm based on the law of physics in recent years. This paper presents a general heuristic strategy for solving the reservoir flood control optimal operation model by using the intelligent algorithm. This paper expounds the basic principle of the pseudo physics algorithm, tries to reasonably set the gravitational parameters of the algorithm through the adaptive method, and at the same time improves the optimization process of the standard algorithm, and puts forward the adaptive pseudo physics algorithm (AAPO). It is applied to solve the real-time optimal flood control operation model of Juyushan reservoir. The mean and variance of the optimal value are used to measure the accuracy and stability of the algorithm, and the volatility measurement algorithm is applied to the optimal flow scheme of the reservoir. At the same time, the statistical computer time-consuming, the results show that the adaptive pseudo-physical algorithm is more accurate than the standard algorithm, the optimization results are more stable; Compared with other algorithms, the pseudo physical algorithm has less variation of the process line fluctuation of the reservoir discharge scheme, and the real-time flood control operation can be operated more easily.
【作者单位】: 河海大学水文水资源学院;南京水利科学研究院;水资源高效利用与工程安全国家工程研究中心;
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