[Abstract]:Rock burst is a dynamic phenomenon of releasing elastic strain energy under the action of some factors, which occurs frequently in the construction process of underground engineering. It not only threatens the safety of personnel, but also the safety of machinery. It also restricts economic development and social construction, and has become one of the most prominent geological disasters in deep underground engineering. At present, bolt support is widely used to prevent rockburst, but the effect of prevention and control is not ideal. Many tunnels which have been supported by bolting system still have strong rockburst. Therefore, it is urgent to carry out relevant research to reveal the occurrence process and mechanism of strain type rockburst under bolt support. In this paper, the process of strain type rockburst under bolt support is revealed from physical rock burst test and numerical simulation test. The former uses a new rigid true triaxial rockburst tester and takes the white granite sample as the test object. The indoor physical rockburst test is carried out by changing the number and position of the anchor rod on the rock sample. The rock burst occurred when the rock mass is supported by bolt under high ground stress level is reproduced. With the help of high speed camera system, digital image motion analysis software and other test equipment, the whole process of rock burst ejection damage is recorded in multiple dimensions. In the latter case, the rock burst process of granite specimen under bolt support is simulated by using UDEC two-dimensional discrete element software, and the background is a case of rock burst encountered in the construction process of Jinping II Hydropower Station. The rock burst process of tunnel under different density of bolt support is simulated. The results show that: 1, the rock burst process under bolting condition is similar to that under the condition of no support, including four stages: pellet ejection, split plate forming, shearing block, plate folding ejection, but different in meso. The failure of rock burst begins in the area between anchor rod and anchor rod, and the phenomenon of particle ejection occurs, in which the micro-crack develops into the deep rock mass and gradually runs through, which causes block ejection, thus breaking the integrity of the bolt support system and resulting in rock mass loosening. The normal stress of the bolt decreases sharply, the reinforcement of the bolt weakens, and the rock mass in the anchoring area is destroyed. 2. The rock mass between the anchor rod and the anchor rod becomes the weak zone of the rock burst under the condition of anchor support, and once the rock burst occurs, The damage is more serious than the condition without anchor, but the anchor does not play a full role. 3. Under the high ground stress level, the rock burst can not be stopped by infilling the anchor. However, the characteristics of rock burst under different density bolt support conditions are different: under the condition of high density bolt support, the rock burst results in the failure of rock mass and bolt association because the weak zone is not obvious; Under the low density bolt support, the rock burst failure begins with the rock mass between the anchor rod and causes the ejection of the rock mass in this area because of the existence of the weak zone, and the range of the rock burst failure decreases with the increase of the bolt density.
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