[Abstract]:The dynamic control of flood limit water level is essentially a category of risk dispatching, and its main risk source is the uncertainty of flood in reservoir. It includes not only the risk of real-time operation due to forecast error, but also the potential flood control risk due to inadequate consideration of design flood uncertainty in the design phase. In this paper, a new method to solve the dynamic control domain of flood limit water level considering reservoir capacity compensation and design flood uncertainty is proposed for cascade reservoirs. By analyzing the principle of reservoir capacity compensation and operation of cascade reservoirs, the upper limit of limited water level of reservoirs in limit flood season is defined, and the quantitative expression of flood control risk considering the uncertainty of design flood is given. Using Copula function as a tool, the joint probability density function of upstream and interval natural water is established, and the range of flood that may occur upstream when a design flood is encountered in the downstream is obtained. Thus, the uncertain design flood considering the regulating and storing action of cascade reservoir is obtained. Finally, the dynamic control region of flood limit water level is obtained by iterative calculation, which takes both flood control risk and benefit into account. This method is applied to the calculation of the dynamic control domain of the flood limit water level in Huanglongtan considering the compensation of Pankou reservoir capacity, and compared with the same frequency method and the typical age method, the following conclusions are obtained: 1) the proposed method can be used to excavate the historical flood information. It provides reference information for simulating the uncertainty of design flood of cascade reservoir. 2) compared with the same frequency method and typical age method, the proposed method is more secure in the dynamic control region of flood limit water level, and 3) the operating water level of Huanglongtan Reservoir can be changed from [240247] m to [240248.21] m in flood season. It can increase the power generation by 0.13 and 0.11 脳 10 ~ 8kW / h in 2000 and 1994, respectively. The proposed method can take full account of the reservoir capacity compensation of cascade reservoirs and the uncertainty of design flood, and can obtain the dynamic control region of flood limit water level of reservoirs without increasing flood risk.
【作者单位】: 四川大学水利水电学院;中国水利水电科学研究院;
【基金】:国家“973”计划资助项目(2013CB036406) 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2013BAB05B05)
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