[Abstract]:On February 15, 2017, the examination of Dr. Chaohui of the Yangtze River Academy of Sciences was held in the meeting room of the Water Conservancy Department of Tsinghua University. The expert group is composed of Professor Fu Xudong, Department of Water Conservancy, Tsinghua University, Senior engineer, Professor Yu Xin, Department of Water Resources, Tsinghua University, Professor Fang Hongwei, Department of Water Conservancy, Tsinghua University, and Senior engineer, he Guojian, Department of Water Conservancy, Tsinghua University. Professor Fu Xudong served as head of the examination team. Chai Chaohui participated in the completion of the National Natural Science Foundation's key project "Water Environmental effect of Estuarine and Coastal Nuclear Power Project" and the "hydrodynamic characteristics of subsurface current Zone" during the post-doctoral period of the station.
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