[Abstract]:The boundary element method (BEM), which has the advantages of high accuracy and dimension reduction, has been widely used in the study of hydrodynamic problems of wave-structure interaction. However, in the linear equations formed by discrete boundary integral equations, the coefficient matrix is a large asymmetric dense matrix, and the solution of the equations consumes a lot of computer resources, which seriously limits the scale of the problems that this method can deal with. It is the main objective of this study to explore the pre-revised Fast Fourier transform (precorrected Fast Fourier Transform,) pFFT boundary element method which can be used in hydrodynamic analysis of large complex multi-floating structures. The pre-revised Fast Fourier transform (pFFT) method can deal with any form of Green's function problem. In this method, the interaction between surface elements is divided into two parts: near-field and far-field. The far-field integral is approximately calculated by projecting the surface element onto the equivalent singular point on the uniform grid, while the near-field integral is calculated by the direct integration method. In fact, all the pointwise singularities are on the uniform mesh. This property enables the velocity potential generated by the point singularity to be quickly obtained by the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) method. Combined with the iterative method based on the generalized minimum residual method (GMRES) to solve the linear equations, the pFFT method can reduce the computational complexity of the BEM from O (N3) to O (N log N), where N is the number of boundary control points. The numerical results show that the pFFT boundary element method developed in this paper can solve the hydrodynamic problems of large and complex structures. In order to solve the hydrodynamic problem of complex three-dimensional structure, a method of modeling and data extraction based on the coupling of finite element and boundary element is explored in this paper. In order to solve the geometric singularity problem of model in structures, a double and multiple node rearrangement method is proposed, which effectively solves the geometric singularity caused by weighted averaging in the typical high order boundary element method. The calculation precision of hydrodynamic problem is further improved. For the flow field problem, the analytical method which can directly solve the higher order singular integral equation with boundary is adopted, and the calculation results have high accuracy. Based on the theory of wave radiation and diffraction, the equations of motion for hydrodynamic response of multi-floating structures are established by using Newman's generalized motional mode decomposition method and Lagrangian multiplier method. The pFFT method is applied to free floating respectively. Under the condition of rigid connection or hinged constraint, the hydrodynamic problem of multi-floating structure composed of several floating and submerged polar plates is analyzed. The transmission coefficient, reflection coefficient, additional mass, damping coefficient and wave force of the structure are obtained. The motion response RAO and the velocity field distribution in the domain. The numerical results show that the pFFT method can be used for hydrodynamic analysis of multi-floating system under arbitrary structure and constraint conditions because of its high calculation accuracy and calculation speed.
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