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发布时间:2019-03-20 17:55
[Abstract]:In view of the problems of the main frame structure arrangement (cantilever length of the main beam, unit stiffness ratio of the main frame, radius of the arc gate) and the layout of the opening and closing machine, considering the single working condition, the single optimization goal and the experience-based optimization, the global optimization can not be achieved. According to the current hydraulic gate code, the structural layout of gate and hoist system is optimized by the method of multi-working and multi-objective integral optimization. The optimization objective is as follows: 1) the absolute value of the positive moment in the span of the main beam is equal to the negative moment in the support. And when the normal water level gate is completely closed, the maximum value of the instantaneous opening condition of water level and the full opening of the gate reaches the minimum under the three working conditions of instantaneous opening of water level and all opening of sluice gate. 2) the radius of the arc gate reaches the minimum, and the absolute value of the negative bending moment at the end of the supporting arm reaches the minimum under different working conditions; 3) the capacity of the hydraulic hoist is the smallest. The following constraints are determined according to the specifications: 1) cantilever length of the main beam; 2) unit stiffness ratio of the main frame; 3) normal operating conditions of the hydraulic opening and closing machine in the whole process of opening and closing of the arc gate; 4) radius of the arc gate to the ratio of the door height; 5) the allowable range of the opening force of the hydraulic hoist; 6) the structural requirements of the arrangement of the hydraulic hoist. Based on this, a multi-objective and multi-objective optimization model is established to solve the structural layout of the main frame of arc gate and the hoist system. The optimization variables of the optimal structural arrangement of the arc gate main frame and the hoist system are as follows: the cantilever length of the dimensionless main beam is 0.160, the unit stiffness ratio of the main frame is 8.69, the radius of the arc gate to the gate height ratio is 1.3, The non-dimensional distance from the lifting point of the hoist to the side wall of the gate pier is 0.13, and the angle between the pulling rod and the supporting arm of the hoist is 34.6 掳when it is completely closed. The results show that the structural layout of arc gate and hoist system is optimized by the method of multi-operation and multi-objective integral optimization. The method is not only simple and practical, but also greatly reduces the internal force of arc gate structure control and the capacity of the hoist. The global optimal arrangement of the unified safety and economy of the system is realized. At the same time, the existing codes and research results in China and the United States can not take into account different working conditions, the cantilever length of the main beam and the unit stiffness ratio of the main frame can not be considered in the current codes and research results of China and the United States. Both the radius of arc gate and the arrangement of hydraulic opening and closing machine are selected by experience, and it also provides a concise method for the further revision and perfection of the Chinese and American codes.
【作者单位】: 西北农林科技大学旱区寒区水工程安全研究中心;西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院;中国电建西北勘测设计研究院有限公司;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51179164) 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2012BAD10B02)


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