[Abstract]:In order to reasonably determine the scale of Yellow River diversion in the water-receiving area of Henan Province, on the basis of evaluating the current situation of regional water resources development and utilization and forecasting the water demand of life, agriculture, industry, construction industry and tertiary industry, and ecological environment outside the river, Combined with irrigation and drainage engineering, engineering economics and ecological theory, using the method of water supply and demand balance analysis, the multi-scheme optimal allocation of multiple water sources in the water-receiving area was studied, by means of groundwater and reclaimed water. The joint regulation of surface water and Yellow River water can reduce the peak discharge of the Yellow River as far as possible, optimize the process of water diversion, and find out the best cut-in point between the scale of irrigation project and the ecological environment of groundwater. Finally, the amount of Yellow River diversion in the water-receiving area of Henan Province is determined to be 279.91 million m ~ 3, which lays the foundation for the rational determination of the scale of the main canal and the construction of the environment-friendly irrigation area, and it has been applied to the actual construction of the project, and good results have been obtained.
【作者单位】: 河南省陆浑水库管理局;河南省水利勘测设计研究有限公司;黄河水利科学研究院;
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