[Abstract]:The study on ecological environment water demand of oasis in arid inland river basin is one of the most key scientific problems in comprehensive management and optimal allocation of water resources, protection and restoration of ecological environment in inland river basin. According to the present situation of oasis ecological environment and the characteristics of natural vegetation, rivers and lakes in the middle reaches of Shule River, this study establishes based on natural vegetation, river, river and so on. The quantitative model of ecological environment water demand of oasis in the middle reaches of Shule River is studied in order to provide a reference method for the study of ecological environment water demand of oasis in arid inland river basin. The results of model calculation show that the natural vegetation, river basic ecology, river sediment transport, river leakage recharge, water surface evaporation and wetland ecological environment water demand are 1.90 脳 108m3, 1.00 脳 108m3, 1.11 脳 108m3, 0.83 脳 108m3, 0.68 脳 108m3, 2.70 脳 108m3, 1.11 脳 108m3, 0.83 脳 108m3, 0.68 脳 108m3, 2.70 脳 108m3, 1.90 脳 108m3, 1.11 脳 108m3, 0.83 脳 108m3, 0.68 脳 108m3, 2.70 脳 108m3, respectively. According to the present situation of water resources and ecological environment in the middle reaches of Shule River Basin, we should strengthen the comprehensive management of water resources, coordinate the relationship between agricultural water use and ecological water use, and the allocation of water resources in different regions and different departments, so as to improve the efficiency of comprehensive utilization of water resources. The short-term and long-term ecological protection and ecological restoration objectives of the middle reaches oasis are further formulated, the key points of ecological comprehensive management are determined, and the ecological water demand and threshold of the middle reaches oasis based on the ecological protection goal are calculated accurately.
【作者单位】: 甘肃省水利科学研究院;甘肃省水利厅水土保持局;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目“疏勒河流域中游绿洲生态需水过程与阈值研究”(51369004)和“气候与土地利用变化对石羊河流域水资源影响研究”(51369003) 水利部公益性行业科研专项“疏勒河中游绿洲水—经济—生态系统耦合调控技术”(201301081)
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