[Abstract]:Data mining is one of the leading research fields in artificial intelligence, machine learning, pattern recognition and information decision-making. With the rapid development of Web and the improvement of data sampling ability, Web mining and high-dimensional data mining have become two important tasks of data mining. Web is the most important platform for people to spread and obtain information in modern society. The number of web pages contained in Web has reached one billion, and it is still increasing rapidly, and the amount of information contained in Web is increasing explosively. Because the information in Web is unstructured and self-organized, the traditional information retrieval technology is difficult to be effectively applied in the actual requirements. In addition to Web pages, there are plenty of hyperlinks in Web. Hyperlinks contain the importance evaluation information of web pages, so Web structure mining (I. E. Web link analysis) is the most important way to improve the quality of Web information retrieval. Clustering analysis is one of the basic methods of data mining and has been widely used in many fields. In recent years, many data in clustering problems generally show high dimensional features. However, the existing classical clustering methods are based on the assumption of low dimensional data space, and can not effectively cluster high-dimensional data. High-dimensional data clustering problem has become the focus of cluster analysis. Manifold clustering is a high dimensional data clustering method developed in recent years and widely studied. Aiming at the two typical problems of Web structure mining and high dimensional data clustering in data mining, this paper studies and analyzes the search engine page sorting algorithm based on link analysis and the Web community discovery algorithm. The effective dissimilarity measure in manifold clustering and the low rank approximation for large-scale high-dimensional data flow clustering are discussed in this paper. The main contributions are as follows: (1) the characteristics of PageRank and HITS algorithms based on link analysis are analyzed. The PageRank algorithm framework based on multilevel attenuation model is proposed. According to the attenuation model, the weights of direct and indirect links between pages are allocated, which improves the accuracy of query. An improved HITS algorithm based on page similarity and link popularity is proposed. The weights of links are assigned according to the similarity between pages relative to query topics and the popularity of links between pages. The problem of topic drift in HITS algorithm is effectively alleviated. (2) the relationship between the side capacity and the community size in the community discovery technology based on the maximum flow is deeply studied, and the characteristics of the link structure are analyzed from the perspective of community discovery. This paper proposes a method to allocate the edge capacity by using the probability distribution of the entry and output of the web pages, which reduces the possibility of the noise pages being extracted and improves the quality of the network community. (3) the effective dissimilarity degree based on the neighborhood path is proposed, which strengthens the class feature of the low dimensional representation of the data obtained by the manifold learning algorithm, and improves the clustering effect through the manifold learning. The relationship between the approximation degree of the eigenvector of the large scale kernel matrix and the sampling points by using the Nystrom extension method is analyzed. Based on this analysis, an incremental sampling strategy is proposed. The clustering quality of accelerating manifold clustering using Nystrom extension method is improved.
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