[Abstract]:With the rapid improvement of Internet bandwidth, there are more and more multimedia information on the network, in which the scenic spot related multimedia information accounts for a large proportion, such as travel strategy articles and tourism photos, and so on. In view of the wide application prospect, the researchers pay more and more attention to the multimedia information related to scenic spots. How to quickly obtain and mine the information to meet the needs of users from these massive scenic spots related multimedia information is a problem that information retrieval and data mining field has been trying to solve. The purpose of the Scenic spot search system is to search and mine the scenic spot information to meet the needs of the users and to show it to the users through a good organization. Traditional scenic spot search is text-based scenic spot search, which is mostly realized by indexing the text information around multimedia information such as text description and tagging. This type of scenic spot search system can well meet the needs of those who have a specific destination, but not all users have a very clear description of the destination they are going to. Moreover, the text-based scenic spot search system only allows users to use text as input, which also brings a lot of inconvenience to users, and the system can not understand the user's query intention very well. An image-based scenic spot search system is needed. For example, if a user can upload an image of a scenic spot or even draw his ideal tourist destination, the system will search for information similar to the image for the user. Although some search engines now provide image search capabilities based on image content, the search results are only images (and pages containing images) rather than scenic spots related to multimedia information. Although the existing scenic spot search system can meet the needs of some users, there are still many areas that need to be improved. Text based scenic spot search can only allow users to input keywords to query, text based search is easy to exist keyword ambiguity, can not understand the user's input and users can not express the query intention well; The existing scenic spot search system does not have a good collation of the scenic spot information, users can not have an intuitive multi-directional understanding of the scenic spots, the scenic spot summary information is not representative, there is no good coverage and diversity; Furthermore, the search results returned by the existing scenic spot search system are often due to the lack of integration of the list of scenic spots (or related web pages) due to keyword matching, and there are visual redundancy and lack of diversity. No good user satisfaction. In this paper, we propose and construct an image-based multi-site search system. The system allows users to upload pictures as input, return the search results for the users, and provide the representative scenic spot summary information for the scenic spots. The construction of the system is based on a large number of scenic spot images, qualitative and quantitative experiments fully verify the effectiveness of the system. The experimental results show that the system can solve the shortcomings of the traditional scenic spot search system. The proposal of the image based diversified scenic spot search system aims to solve many shortcomings in the existing scenic spot search system and enable users to express their query intention better. More diversified search results and better site summary information are given.
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