[Abstract]:In recent years, the air-raid information that has been exposed by international events such as the Gulf War and the September 11 terrorist attacks and the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is not shared, and the problems such as the unclear target attribute, the non-continuity of the track, the inaccurate situation assessment and the like are provided, and the war operation and the counter-terrorism operation are seriously affected. As a result, the research and construction of the airborne anti-radar network information system has been strengthened in the beginning of 2010. The subject of this thesis is the innovation and exploration of the author's work experience in the construction and maintenance of radar information system for several decades. This paper focuses on the key technologies such as the optimization of the air defense radar network system in the multi-sensor information fusion, the target recognition, the target tracking and the threat assessment, and discusses the improvement of the related technologies and the application in the practice. The research on the problem of multi-sensor information fusion plays an important role in the anti-radar network, and the overall operational performance of the airborne radar network system is improved. Based on ant colony optimization (ACO) and fuzzy neural network, the paper is based on ant colony optimization (ACO) and fuzzy neural network. The information fusion theory and method of Gauss-Hermite filtering (GHF) and Bayesian networks (BN) are used to research and practice the optimization, target recognition, target tracking and threat assessment of the airborne radar network system. The paper first summarizes the characteristics and the basic definition of multi-sensor information fusion. The system model and the main algorithm of the information fusion are described. The heterogeneous sensor system can realize the information complementation and avoid the respective disadvantages, but the fusion is complex and there is no uniform method: the passive sensor does not transmit the signal itself, and has strong survivability and anti-stealth capability. Secondly, the airborne radar network system platform is built on the ground based on the radar network fabric station scheme and the optimization method. This paper studies the radar network fabric station scheme based on the ACO algorithm, and puts forward the optimized cloth station method based on the parameter optimization evolution. The simulation results in the better cloth station scheme. The field investigation is carried out, and the field construction of the air defense radar network system is completed. and the correctness and the operability of the theoretical method are verified. Thirdly, the target recognition improvement problem based on the heterogeneous sensor information fusion is studied. This paper discusses the construction of heterogeneous sensor information fusion system based on three kinds of heterogeneous sensors, and studies the improved clustering center selection method and decision-making level improvement of D-S evidence combination conflict resolution solution based on the fuzzy neural network. The target characteristic parameters are obtained, and the simulation experiment is carried out, and the improvement of the air target fusion recognition by the air defense radar network system is completed. Then, based on the multi-passive sensor system, the method of multi-target tracking and fusion of the pure azimuth of the airborne radar is discussed. The target track correlation updating method based on the Gaussian-Hermite filtering (GHF) under the pure azimuth condition of the passive radar is analyzed, and the feasible division of the whole observation and the target is obtained by using the prior information of the target, and the method is based on the air defense radar network system, A pure-orientation passive tracking association for two aircraft targets is carried out, and the correlation results are compared. Finally, the threat level of the enemy aircraft under various conditions is analyzed and analyzed in combination with the airborne radar network system. The mathematical description of the threat assessment is given, and the fuzzy dynamic Bayesian network (FDBN) model is established, and the radar detection of the two aircraft targets is simulated. The reasoning process of the threat assessment (TAFDBN) based on the fuzzy dynamic Bayesian network and the sensitivity calculation of the FDBN are given by computer simulation. The results of the research extend the operational applications of the airborne radar network system.
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