[Abstract]:At present, with the development of shortwave communication technology, shortwave communication plays a more and more important role in military communication and civil communication. The research topic of this paper comes from the research topic of "short-wave frequency selection and chain-building system research", which mainly designs and develops a new, stable and fast frequency selection and link-building shortwave communication system. According to the system target and security requirement of short wave frequency selection and chain building system, this paper focuses on the design and implementation of communication control hardware platform and system security encryption scheme in the system. The main research results are as follows: 1. The short wave frequency selection and chain building system is studied. Aiming at the design requirements and objectives of short-wave frequency selection and chain-building system, the overall scheme of the system is studied. According to the design objectives and functional requirements of the system, the overall hardware architecture of the system, the hardware structure of the communication control board and the security encryption scheme of the system are designed. The hardware platform of shortwave communication control is studied. The characteristics and application range of Cortex-M4 embedded system and TM4C129X microprocessor are analyzed. The communication control board based on TM4C129X microprocessor is designed. The design and implementation of the main functional modules of communication control board are described in detail. It includes the selection principle of the key components in the control board and the design process of the peripheral module. The design, debugging and realization of hardware PCB of communication control board are described. The verification and debugging show that the hardware platform of short wave communication control can meet the expected target and requirement of the system. 3. The encryption scheme of embedded system is studied. According to the security requirements of this project, this paper analyzes all kinds of security hazards and attack cracking methods commonly used in embedded systems, and studies the traditional security encryption verification mechanism of the system. Then the security encryption scheme of embedded system based on two-way verification mechanism between ARM and FPGA is proposed, including the design of communication interface circuit and the selection of key algorithms in the scheme. The characteristics of FPGA-A3P060 chip and the development flow of FPGA are introduced. Finally, the implementation of the key algorithms used in the system security encryption scheme is given.
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