[Abstract]:Thermal consolidation of saturated porous media under heat source is an important subject in civil engineering and energy engineering. Due to the complexity of the problem, most of the previous studies assume that the medium is homogeneous isotropic and the heat source is assumed to be constant intensity. In practical engineering, natural saturated porous media often shows obvious delamination, and the heat source strength also has decay. In this paper, the thermal consolidation of layered saturated porous media under the action of decay heat source is studied by using extended fine integration method. By means of integral transformation, the partial differential equations for thermal consolidation of saturated porous media are transformed into ordinary differential equations in the transform domain, and then the microlayer elements of saturated porous media are combined with the boundary conditions. The extended precise integral solution of the thermal consolidation problem of layered saturated porous media under the action of decay heat source in the domain of integral transformation is derived, and the corresponding numerical integral inverse transformation is carried out to obtain the obtained temperature. Solutions of excess pore pressure and vertical displacement in physical domain. Based on the above solution process, a corresponding calculation program is compiled to carry out numerical calculation. By comparing with the existing literatures, the adaptability and correctness of the extended fine integration method in solving the thermal consolidation problem of layered saturated porous media are verified. Finally, the effects of decay period of heat source, buried depth of heat source and stratification of medium on thermal consolidation effect are analyzed by several examples. The results show that the decay period of heat source has an obvious effect on the temperature, the peak value of the superstatic pore pressure and the time to reach the peak value. The longer the decay period, the larger the peak value and the longer the time required to reach the peak value. The influence of buried depth of heat source on the variation of superstatic pore pressure and vertical displacement is significant. The vertical displacement of both sides of the heat source is symmetrically distributed under the action of deep buried heat source, but there is no such phenomenon on both sides of shallow buried heat source, and the stratification characteristic of saturated porous media has an obvious effect on the thermal consolidation effect.
【作者单位】: 同济大学地下建筑与工程系岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室;浙江大学岩土工程研究所软弱土与环境土工教育部重点实验室;
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