[Abstract]:Magnetic beads are widely used in biological experiments such as immunoassay, cell separation and so on. In this paper, a two-channel magnetic bead concentration measurement system based on laser transmission method is proposed. The magnetic bead concentration is determined by measuring the ratio of incident laser intensity to transmission laser intensity. The system was used to measure the concentration of magnetic beads suspension. At each concentration, 8 000 sets of experimental data were collected. By fitting the measured data, the relation function between the magnetic bead concentration and the measured value is established. The relationship between them is exponential function. The sum of square of fitting residual error is 0.000, and the coefficient of determination is 0.997 1, which shows that the function has good fitting performance. The experimental results show that the relative measurement error is less than 2.5% and the relative fluctuation range of the output value is within 2.5%. The measurement system has high measurement accuracy and good repeatability.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学仪器科学与工程系;
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