[Abstract]:Gravitational wave is one of Einstein's most important predictions and an important tool to test the correctness of general relativity. Gravitational wave theory and its detection have always been interested in theoretical physicists and experimental physicists. In fact, with the development of science and technology, human beings have the ability to build extremely sensitive ground detectors as well as space detectors, and direct detection of gravitational waves has become a reality. On September 14, 2015, the LIGO first directly detected gravitational waves. The signal originated from a double black hole merging event. Since then, humans have entered the conventional detection phase of gravitational waves, and finally opened the prelude of gravitational wave astronomy. The main wave source of the ground gravity wave detector is the dense binary star which is in the phase of close and merge. If the gravitational wave signals emitted by these sources are detected while the electromagnetic signals corresponding to the wave sources can be observed, then the gravitational wave signals and the electromagnetic wave signals can complement each other and form a new observation mode. However, it is very difficult for a single ground gravity wave detector to detect the gravitational wave signal accurately, nor can it accurately locate the wave source, so that the multiple detectors can be connected to each other, so that the gravitational wave signal can be detected accurately. It can also greatly improve the positioning accuracy of gravitational wave source. In this paper, the localization of gravitational wave signal GW150914 source with detector networking is introduced firstly, and then the two most commonly used methods, Markov chain Monte Carlo (Markov Chain Monte Carlo,MCMC (MC-MC), and analytical method are introduced. Finally, an analytical method is used to discuss the positioning accuracy of the network of Chinese gravitational wave detectors and Japanese and Australian detectors in the future, and the optimal site of China is given. Finally, the contribution of China's joining the world gravitational wave detector network to the localization of gravitational wave source is also discussed.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学天文系;
【基金】:北京师范大学科学研究基金 中央高校基础研究基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:11373014,11073005) 中国科学院战略先导项目(编号:XDB09000000) 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(编号:2012CB821804,2014CB845806)资助
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