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发布时间:2020-12-05 22:01
  自由电子激光(Free Electron Lasers,FELs)能够产生高亮度,高功率,全相干,以及超短脉冲的X射线辐射。这些特性使其在生物,化学,医学,物理等许多领域展现出十分耀眼的活力。从最初理论的提出到现在,短短几十年间,自由电子激光得到了飞速的发展,并且在常规激光器难以实现的远红外,极紫外,X射线波段建成了用户装置。在X射线波段的应用中,生物大分子单颗粒相干衍射成像(Coherent Diffraction Imaging,CDI),泵浦-探针(Pump-Probe)对超快物理化学动力学过程的探测,以及强场极端条件下物理等领域的研究对具有全相干,超快,高稳定性,高功率的X射线FEL光源有着强烈的需求。现有的X射线FEL用户装置主要都工作在自放大辐射(Self-Amplified Spon-taneous Emission,SASE)模式,比如,已建成的FLASH(德国),LCLS(美国),SACLA(日本),European-XFEL(德国),以及正在建造的,SwissFEL(瑞士),PAL-XFEL(韩国),和SHINE(中国)。SASE模式下产生的辐射脉冲虽然具有横向全相... 

【文章来源】:中国科学技术大学安徽省 211工程院校 985工程院校

【文章页数】:195 页


    1 Introduction
        1.1 Overview of FELs
        1.2 FEL operation modes
        1.3 Future development of FELs
        1.4 Thesis organization and innovation
    2 Basic principles of Free Electron Lasers
        2.1 Electron beams
            2.1.1 Electron beam phase space
            2.1.2 Electron beam emittance
            2.1.3 Electron beam propagation
            2.1.4 Electron distribution in phase space
        2.2 Radiation beams
            2.2.1 Angular spectrum diffraction
            2.2.2 Radiation energy transport
            2.2.3 Wigner distribution function
            2.2.4 Spatial and temporal coherence
        2.3 Basic FEL theory
            2.3.1 Electron trajectory in an undulator
            2.3.2 Longitudinal dynamics of FEL
            2.3.3 Low-gain regime
            2.3.4 High-gain regime
            2.3.5 1-D solution of high-gain FEL
            2.3.6 Parameter optimization of high-gain FEL
        2.4 Fully coherent free electron lasers
            2.4.1 External seeded free electron laser
            2.4.2 Self-seeding free electron laser
            2.4.3 X-ray Free electron laser oscillator
        2.5 FEL simulation codes
        2.6 Conclusion
    3 Dynamical theory of X-ray diffraction
        3.1 Historical developments
        3.2 Dynamical theory of X-ray diffraction
            3.2.1 Maxwell equations inside the crystal
            3.2.2 Solution for two-beam diffraction
            3.2.3 Dispersion surface in reciprocal space
            3.2.4 Bragg and Laue diffraction geometries
            3.2.5 Crystal detuning effect in X-ray diffraction
            3.2.6 Darwin width in Bragg geometry
        3.3 Transmissiveity and reflectivity in Bragg and Laue geometries
            3.3.1 Amplitude ratio of refracted and reflected waves
            3.3.2 Thin crystal in Bragg geometry
            3.3.3 Thin crystal in Laue geometry
            3.3.4 Transverse offset of Bragg diffraction
        3.4 The applications in HXRSS FEL
        3.5 Summary and discussion
    4 Studies on seed generation and seed properties of HXRSS
        4.1 Introduction and motivation
        4.2 Seed generation for HXRSS FEL
            4.2.1 One dimensional seed generation
            4.2.2 Quasi-three-dimensional seed generation
            4.2.3 Three dimensional seed generation
        4.3 Spectral properties of seed
        4.4 HXRSS FEL operation mode
            4.4.1 Short-bunch operation mode
            4.4.2 Long-bunch operation mode
        4.5 Summary and conclusion
    5 Efficiency enhancement by crystal detuning in HXRSS FEL
        5.1 Introduction and motivation
        5.2 Efficiency enhancement by undulator tapering
        5.3 Efficiency enhancement by crystal detuning effect
            5.3.1 Detuning effect of crystal monochromator
            5.3.2 Crystal detuning in hard self-seeding FEL
            5.3.3 Crystal detuning effect in XFELO
        5.4 Summary and discussion
    6 The fluctuation of hard X-ray self-seeding Free Electron Laser
        6.1 Intrinsic fluctuation of SASE
        6.2 Fluctuation associated with crystal bandwidth
        6.3 Fluctuation arising from electron beam energy jitter
        6.4 Fluctuation induced by the angular jitter
        6.5 Fluctuation arising from the time jitter
        6.6 Fluctuation caused by crystal detuning effect
        6.7 Summary and discussion
    7 An optimal HXRSS scheme of LCLS-Ⅱ
        7.1 The operating modes of LCLS-Ⅱ
        7.2 Self-seeding scheme
        7.3 Damage discussion
        7.4 HXRSS of LCLS-Ⅱ 4GeV operation mode
            7.4.1 Electron beam and crystal parameters
            7.4.2 Lower limit: 3.25 keV
            7.4.3 Upper limit: 4.25 keV
        7.5 HXRSS of LCLS-Ⅱ-HE 8GeV operation mode
            7.5.1 Electron beam and crystal parameters
            7.5.2 One-stage HXRSS investigation
            7.5.3 Emittance tolerance investigation
        7.6 HXRSS of CuRF-Linac operation mode
        7.7 Conclusion
    8 Summary and discussion
        8.1 Summary
        8.2 Discussion
    第一部分 绪论
    第二部分 自由电子激光基本理论
    第三部分 X射线衍射动力学理论
    第四部分 种子光的数值模拟和种子光特性研究
    第五部分 髙效率硬X射线自种子自由电子激光研究
    第六部分 硬X射线自种子自由电子激光种子能量的抖动性研究
    第七部分 LCLS-Ⅱ硬X射线自种子自由电子激光方案研究
    第八部分 总结和展望

[1]Review of fully coherent free-electron lasers[J]. Chao Feng,Hai-Xiao Deng.  Nuclear Science and Techniques. 2018(11)




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